To: longshadow; PatrickHenry; Woahhs; P.O.E.; No More Gore Anymore; jigsaw; Snake65; RobFromGa
Part 4. The series will return on Friday, after Christmas, with the final fallacy of relevance, the irrelevant conclusion, or ignoratio elenchi. Following that, we will turn our attention to fallacies of presumption...
2 posted on
12/22/2003 5:52:00 AM PST by
("You shouldn't treat people like objects. They aren't that valuable." - P.J. O'Rourke)
To: general_re
Don't forget the DNC Talking Points or Argument
ad nauseum.
Have a Merry Christmas, hope Santa brings you a big 'ol rawhide bone.
3 posted on
12/22/2003 6:02:22 AM PST by
(Saddam looked like he could use a "Baath Party".)
To: general_re
These posts would be great if you weren't such a doody-head, general.
Just teasing, please keep them coming, they are quite educational.
5 posted on
12/22/2003 7:02:55 AM PST by
To: general_re
Add me to your ping list.
I need to refresh my knowledge after a long ago - Logic class!
6 posted on
12/22/2003 10:13:20 AM PST by
(Davis is now out of Arnoold's Office , Bout Time!!!!) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson