To: bentfeather; Camachee; January24th
Yes you do poetry.
Inertia II.
Forward, back
the pendulum
swings, and
the puppet gymnast
on the rings
respects the physics
of mass
at the edges
of maximum velocity
where the rosined
fingers defy
the laws of falling
as philosophy
And there
the will finds
the moment that turns
the movement back
when muscles pull
with the turn
of the weighty
into the weightless
giving the aching
fist relief
all arcs have respites
no matter how brief,
and puppet gymnasts must
hold their own strings.
78 posted on
12/09/2003 6:05:28 AM PST by
Kay Syrah
(nice finish)
To: Kay Syrah; bentfeather
The North Star
is not for us
it is too precise
for imperfect desire
and intriguing interludes
it watches us
and bids us find our way
The Moon
is not for us
she is too constant
in her appointments
and reliably
beautiful or invisible
she draws close to us
and we feel her
grave influence
she bids us love
her cold light
but she is not for us
Hurtling comets,
star crossers
are the signet
of our sighs
they arrive
like harbingers
of delight or doom
passing into
out of
our lives
and all you can do
is watch the sky... is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson