To: Kay Syrah; bentfeather
The North Star
is not for us
it is too precise
for imperfect desire
and intriguing interludes
it watches us
and bids us find our way
The Moon
is not for us
she is too constant
in her appointments
and reliably
beautiful or invisible
she draws close to us
and we feel her
grave influence
she bids us love
her cold light
but she is not for us
Hurtling comets,
star crossers
are the signet
of our sighs
they arrive
like harbingers
of delight or doom
passing into
out of
our lives
and all you can do
is watch the sky...
To: January24th; Kay Syrah; bentfeather
play poker
when prose
is not
an option
and art
has shut down
for the night
80 posted on
12/09/2003 7:37:27 PM PST by
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