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Canada US Relations, Trump has Trudeau "Muy Nervioso"
Partial Vanity ^ | 2/8/2025 | Candor7

Posted on 02/08/2025 5:09:37 AM PST by Candor7

Canadian Liberal supporting News sources are Censoring leaks about what Trump discussed with Trudeau during recent phone calls. Details were suppressed.

As it turns out what has Trudeau freaking out is the 1908 Border Treaty between the USA and Canada, Article IX,and Trudeau is announcing a possible invasion of Canada by the USA, is an attempt by Trudeau to heroically reverse his resignation as Prime Minister , wrapping himself in the Canada Flag, a strange thing from a man who recently ground down the Freedom Convoy Movement, declared them terrorists to seize oin Canadian's online donations , shut down donors private bank accounts,prosecuted the Freedom Convoy's populist leaders and even had sent RCMP on horseback into the supporting demonstrations for the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa, riding down a geriatric granny.

Now what a joke.....Wrapping himself in the flag of Canada as a patriot to whip up a faux nationalism via the CBC and CTV....and sadly Canadians are falling for this foolishness, after 8 years or more of the CBC rebroadcasting CNN news "Hare Trump"propaganda in Canada.

Canadians are ignorant of what is truly going on, how an open Canadian Market for US goods would reduce consumer prices drastically and benefit them all.Trudeau is simply not supporting Canadians in this, but instead is supporting the funding sources for his party from those industries which have been protected by the Government of Canada since WWII. Trump says that has to change.And it should .Why should US dairy products have a 298% tariff applied , for example.There truly is no excuse.Canadian tariffs are in place to exclude US goods from Canada while Canada can send anything it wants into the USA tariff free.

And a little known fact in America is that this unfair trade practice is sealed in cement supposedly by the fact that every province in Canada charges tariffs on goods sent from other provinces, there is no equivalent in Canada of the US Commerce Clause which guarantees commerce between the states.So it is ludicrous that it is cheaper for Atlantic Canada to send its products such as lobster and potatoes into Maine than it is to ship the same produce to Ontario, which imposes -tariffs.

This is ludicrous in this day and age and Trudeau enjoys the divide and conquer economic regime now in place. TRUDEAU CANNOT POSSIBLE DE-FACTO SPEAK FOR THE PROVINCES ECONOMY.But now he pretends he does, wrapping himself in the flag, he controls what goods can "exit " Canada such as oil, and what can come in, weakening the economy of Alberta on whatever whim he wants to have.This protects Canadian donors to the Liberal Party but does a tremendous disservice to the Canadian People as consumers and wage earners, the leaders of the Freedom Convoy called Trudeau on these issues and he unconstitutionally used the Emergency War Measures Act to destroy their populist movement in Canada.Trump knows all of this, and most Canadians do not. They only know that they "Hate Trump." It is idiocy.

NOw in that phone call Trump mentioned to Trudeau that he could he could establish a Commission to readjust the Canadian/USA border northward.Over 80% of Canadians live withion 100 miles of the US Canada border.and close to one half of them think that joining the USA is a good idea.

Yes, Canada's Village idiot is sweating bullets. He is whip up false nationalism in Canada.He should simply be opening up the Canadian Market to US competition, and passing the equivalent in Canada of the US Commerce clause which guarantees free trade among the provinces of Canada.

What an idiot.Canada cannot rid itself of its ideologue Prime Minister and his running dogs.Pray that President Trump will help Canada along.

TOPICS: Government; History; Society
KEYWORDS: adjustment; articleix; canada; treaty1908; usaborder
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See Article IX of the 1908 B order Treaty Between Canada and the USA. It outlines an adjustment regime to the Canadian / USA border.

1 posted on 02/08/2025 5:09:37 AM PST by Candor7
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To: JudyinCanada; Alberta's Child; Jonty30; Steven Tyler; sweetiepiezer; Bulwyf; Fred Nerks; bitt; ...

What’s really going in in Canada, PING.

2 posted on 02/08/2025 5:11:31 AM PST by Candor7 (Ask not for whom the Trump Trolls,He trolls for thee!),<img src="" width=500</img><a href="">tag</a>)
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To: Candor7
[Trudeau freaking out]

Maybe Justin Trudeau can buy more fruity pants to do his gay dancing

Just when one thought that one has seen the gayest thing of all,
along comes Justin Trudeau, the Canadian Obama

3 posted on 02/08/2025 5:15:58 AM PST by SaveFerris (Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the Days of Lot; They did Eat, They Drank, They Bought, They Sold ......)
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To: Candor7

What a shame. A beautiful country, I spent many summers and fall in northwest Quebec camping and fishing. In 2005 my son and I went to Montreal for the last 3 days of the Jazz Fest. What a blast that was, 50 feet away from Pat Metheney with 250k people behind us. My son got his first beer, felt like a king. But what has happened politically has been a damn shame. I can’t think of one good thing that has happened to Canada since the far left took over, just as we were under Obummer and grifter Biden. These idiots have learned only one thing. How to dig their hole deeper.

4 posted on 02/08/2025 5:35:23 AM PST by Omnivore-Dan (Shut)
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To: Candor7

I’m dreaming here, but it is my hope that President Trump and Pierre Poilievre have had talks in secret. President Trump is fully aware of how much Trudeau is hated, so I’m hoping he’s been in touch with the apparent successor. His belittling of Trudeau have to work in Pierre’s favor, but Pierre has to tread carefully, because he’s wanting to lead a slowly waking up Canada, saturated in TDS.

5 posted on 02/08/2025 5:57:51 AM PST by JudyinCanada (Praying that America's Golden Age includes Canada.)
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To: JudyinCanada

If ythere is any grace left for CANADIANS, Pierre Polievre
and the Trump team have been conversing.But evenPierre has toomuch invested in the Famly Cpmpact which has kept Canadians regressive economy in place for over 60 yeras.

If there is one politician in Canada who could be Prime Minster of Canada and who could bring the necessary changes it is the Premier of Alberta, Free trade between the provuinces, and an open Canadian market to all US goods, completely reciprocal trade.

Why should Caada remain independent when it has not really been so for over 60 years? The USA defends us militarily. ( The latest the shoot down of a China Balloon over the Yukon) bhy the USAF...Canada could not do it.), secures the sea lanes in the Artic etc.), and now subsidizes the Canadian eceonmy t9o the turne of 150 to 200 billin dollars per year?

VCan’t blame the Donald mush for seeking a more equitable arrangement. And about 1/2 of Canada is all for it, despite the prognostications of a grand US invasion by the CBC and CTV designed to whip Canadians up into a frenzy . All Trudeau is doing is defining Canadians as mindless Hockey Puckers.

Read Article IX of the 1908 Border Treaty. Donald can establish a commission to adjust the Canadian border Northward, and occupy the adjusted US territory without a shot fired.

Trudeau knows this.

And all of Canada should.

6 posted on 02/08/2025 6:45:38 AM PST by Candor7 (Ask not for whom the Trump Trolls,He trolls for thee!),<img src="" width=500</img><a href="">tag</a>)
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To: Jim Robinson

Important Whats going in in Canada Ping.

7 posted on 02/08/2025 6:46:59 AM PST by Candor7 (Ask not for whom the Trump Trolls,He trolls for thee!),<img src="" width=500</img><a href="">tag</a>)
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To: Candor7

I thought the clown was resigning? What’s going on with this?

I don’t get stuff like that.


8 posted on 02/08/2025 6:50:38 AM PST by Hammerhead
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To: Candor7

Justin fearing the future question of “Who lost Canada?”

(While the globalists thrill to their North American Union becoming a reality, albeit rebranded for MAGA.)

9 posted on 02/08/2025 6:53:00 AM PST by 9YearLurker
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To: SaveFerris

He is dancing in front of TRump now, as the quintessential trained drama teacher he is. A pompous poseur.

And he has cancelled parliament for the near future so that the opposition parties cannot publicly inform Canada what is happening

The CBC and CTV publish nothing but Orange Man Bad propaganda, and Canadians remain ignorant of the issues.

Canada’s village idiot is at it again. And he will not call an election until he knows he has played the hero, saving Canada long enough, to win any election called.He’s back.Not leaving.

Shear idiocy.

10 posted on 02/08/2025 6:58:34 AM PST by Candor7 (Ask not for whom the Trump Trolls,He trolls for thee!),<img src="" width=500</img><a href="">tag</a>)
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To: Candor7; JudyinCanada

Read Article IX of the 1908 Border Treaty. Donald can establish a commission to adjust the Canadian border Northward, and occupy the adjusted US territory without a shot fired.

As you suggested, I read Article IX—and also a good chunk of the rest of the Treaty. Your interpretation is very creative, but not warranted. The 49th parallel is set out as the longest chunk of boundary, to take the easiest example. If one attempted to call the 54th parallel the 49th parallel and adjust the boundary northward, one is nuts. One can at times argue about watersheds and headwaters, and boots on the ground can settle that-—the description of the boundary is laid out well enough, and there isn’t a lot to dispute—especially after 117 years.

The 1985 act dealt with the 20 feet centered on the boundary.,1908%3B%20(trait%C3%A9%20de%201908)
Claiming suddenly that a 20 foot line stretching across the continent in place for more then a century has been mislocated would be bizarre.

11 posted on 02/08/2025 7:08:37 AM PST by Hieronymus ( )
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To: Candor7
[Canada’s village idiot is at it again.]

Yep. Two more on him - He really is a goofball.

This is what a world looks like
when it is willfully ignorant of
the written Word of God

12 posted on 02/08/2025 7:15:45 AM PST by SaveFerris (Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the Days of Lot; They did Eat, They Drank, They Bought, They Sold ......)
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To: Hieronymus

I read it as well. I didn’t sound that cut and dried to me, either.

13 posted on 02/08/2025 7:25:09 AM PST by JudyinCanada (Praying that America's Golden Age includes Canada.)
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To: Hieronymus

Claiming suddenly that a 20 foot line stretching across the continent in place for more then a century has been mislocated would be bizarre.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

You would be right if the aggrieved party limited its grievances to the locus of the border.But there is much more.

But The US grievance is based on subsidizing the economy of Canada for over 60 years,up to 200 billion per year, being refused entry into the Canadian markets, and defending Canada’s Northern reaches and coastlines for over 40 years.

Witness the recent failure of Canada to intercept a Chinese spy balloon, relying instead on the US Air Force to do that job.Additionally, America has patrolled the sea lanes of the Arctic assuring that attempts by China and Russia to control the sea lanes and territory is prevented.Canada has no reliable military to defend itself,only a standing armed force of 100,000 with about 20,000 dedicated to combat,and so Canada refuses to spend on its military and depends on the USA for its defense, thereby manifesting a false economy. Trump wants to make Canada an official protectorate.He has a damned good argument.

These factors contribute greatly to the USA’s grievances, and so it may not be quite as locus related as you say.The array of grievance is much larger, involving the economic burden f securing the borders FOR Canada,. Note that the US position would be that Canada has not secured its borders from entry by Drug cartels, Chinese fentanyl, as well as Islamofascists, and other militants such as the transgender militants who entered via Canada who recently shot a US Border Patrol Agent.

All of this could be solved by allowing the US to exercise sovereinthy over the birders of Canada and would necessarily support a claim of moving the border 100 miles to the North of its present location on the 49th parallel, ,leaving the outback for Trudeau to pursue as his WEF , Davis driven play ground.

All of this context makes the establishment of a border commission for the USA and Canada a crucial exercise, and Trudeau knows it. But he says nothing about it.It should be plastered all over the news.Thats why I write this humble missive.

Stay tuned for a newly established US/Canada border commission. I believe that plans are already afoot to form it.

14 posted on 02/08/2025 8:31:08 AM PST by Candor7 (Ask not for whom the Trump Trolls,He trolls for thee!),<img src="" width=500</img><a href="">tag</a>)
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To: Candor7
I am a fan of true crime shows.

People commit stupid crimes all the time with practically no chance of getting away with them.

Now think of the behavior of nations. Canada is like a brother-in-law who has been living in our basement for all his life. He lacks education and skills, but eats well with the family every day. He pays less than fair market rent and doesn't pay his fair share of the heating bill.

Now imagine that you suddenly decide that he isn't contributing his fair share. You may be entirely correct.

That doesn't change the fact that your lazy brother-in-law is really helpless to change the situation in the short term.

If you put him on half-rations, turn down the heat in the basement, and insist that he get a job that pays similarly to yours, there is just no way he can accomplish what you want quickly. His suffering will be real and unrelenting.

The risk is that the brother-in-law will lash out and commit criminal acts. He may just decide that murdering you is a quick way to solve his problem.

Canada's quick way to solve its problem of being far less productive per capita than the U.S. might just be cozying up to China, for example. China might be willing to subsidize Canada to make up for some U.S. sanctions.

What then? Desperate people do desperate things. Expecting Canada to suddenly be able to operate comfortably on an even playing field with the U.S. after centuries of tolerating their inefficiencies is simply not reasonable.

It makes better sense to move slowly and allow some time for Canada to adjust to our demands. Having everyone in Canada hating the U.S. would be a big mistake; one that might result in unexpected consequences for our children and grandchildren.

15 posted on 02/08/2025 9:08:55 AM PST by William Tell
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To: Candor7
"All of this could be solved by allowing the US to exercise sovereignty over the borders of Canada and would necessarily support a claim of moving the border 100 miles to the North ..."

Sounds a lot like Hitler's annexation of Austria and the invasion of Poland. We should be so thankful that Hitler double-crossed the Soviet Union. Without that, World War II might have ended quite differently.

Why wouldn't China and Russia, along with what could become the former NATO countries, form an alliance to constrain the U.S. to pre-2025 borders?

Do you really trust the average American today to fight for the U.S. with the resolve shown during World War II? We have young people demonstrating their support for HAMAS led Palestinians. Are you willing to take up arms to support moving the border with Canada? Are you willing to support an invasion of Mexico to kill the drug cartels? Are you willing to kill Danish people and Greenlanders to take Greenland?

Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.

16 posted on 02/08/2025 9:30:33 AM PST by William Tell
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To: William Tell

Sounds a lot like Hitler’s annexation of Austria>>>>>>

Check your factoids.

Germany did not have a Treaty process for aggrieved status of one party.

Anschluss in fact violated several treaties


It is simply Canada being asked to settle its trade indebtedness with the USA by opening up its economy and spending more on its own security in a groevance processunder the 1908 Treaty.

You wouyld be smart enough to realize its more preferrable to change the ecpmic array within Canada and leave the border as is.

Trudeau does not have that common sense, and would rather be a poseur hero based on a faux nationalism created by propaganda. In fact Canadians and Americans are one people, and almost 1/2 of Canadians would not mind being a part of the USA .

This is not an annexation, it is a border adjustment negotiation by an aggrieved party ,pursuant to the border treaty of 1908.

Lets make a deal Trudeau !

17 posted on 02/08/2025 11:10:11 AM PST by Candor7 (Ask not for whom the Trump Trolls,He trolls for thee!),<img src="" width=500</img><a href="">tag</a>)
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To: William Tell

Well, we will see.

Come on Justin, Lets make a deal!

I’ll trade you two Coors for a couple of Molsen Candians.

“No, no, “ says Justin, “Trump wants our minerals , water and oil, Trump will invade us !” All over national T.V. in Canada.

NOw why would Trudeau do that at the beck and call of Klaus Schwab and the WEF.

I have a good idea about that but lets just say we could leave NATO and have our own defensive alliance with Canada,Iceland, Norway,Greenland and Sweden? Do you think the Davis crowd that now runs Canada would like that much?

There’s a lot tied up in this Canada /USA tariff initiative.
OIts not that simple.

18 posted on 02/08/2025 11:17:32 AM PST by Candor7 (Ask not for whom the Trump Trolls,He trolls for thee!),<img src="" width=500</img><a href="">tag</a>)
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To: Candor7


19 posted on 02/08/2025 11:18:17 AM PST by Jim Robinson (Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God.)
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To: Jim Robinson

Thanks Jim. This story is not being covered in the Canadoan or US press, except for Canada’s Toronto Star ( pay only site). All other Canadian news outlets are refusing to run it.Can’t upset those lefty liberals you see!

20 posted on 02/08/2025 11:41:44 AM PST by Candor7 (Ask not for whom the Trump Trolls,He trolls for thee!),<img src="" width=500</img><a href="">tag</a>)
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