Posted on 12/24/2024 9:21:35 AM PST by bitt
A recently resurfaced CIA document, which was declassified in 2017, has shed light on an experiment conducted on May 22, 1984.
The experiment—part of a larger program often referred to as “Project Stargate”—allegedly transported the subject’s consciousness back in time, approximately one million years B.C.
Project Stargate was a secret U.S. Army initiative established in 1977 at Fort Meade, Maryland, by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and SRI International.
Its primary objective was to investigate the potential use of psychic phenomena, including remote viewing, telepathy, and psychokinesis, for military and intelligence applications, according to Daily Mail.
The news outlet added, “Project Stargate was the US government’s new weapon against the Soviet Union, aimed at creating mind-reading spies who could infiltrate the minds of its enemies.”
The declassified CIA document chronicles an unconventional “Mars exploration” mission conducted not with astronauts but through the use of remote viewing—a form of extrasensory perception (ESP).
A subject was provided with a sealed envelope containing cryptic instructions: to focus their mind on specific coordinates on Mars, roughly one million years B.C.
During the session, the subject reported seeing massive pyramidal structures, vast caverns, and colossal monuments carved into Martian canyons.
The descriptions included towering humanoid figures, “thin and tall, but they’re very large… some kind of strange clothes.”
These beings were said to be part of an ancient civilization teetering on the brink of extinction, victims of severe environmental collapse.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
They left a large underground structure that, if you put your hands in the holes, will melt the polar ice caps and instantly terraform the planet.
“allegedly transported the subject’s consciousness back in time”
Somebody’s been smoking the good stuff.
Climate change propaganda.
Besides, we were told they were little green men.
I once met a man from Mars. He told me he was looking for his girl-friend. When I asked him to describe her he said:
“She’s eight foot two, solid blue, six transistors in each shoe, has anybody seen my gal!”
Straight from the Barsoom novels:
Somebody at Fort Meade had too much time on their hands.
My tax dollars. At work.
"The subject visualized 'massive pyramidal structures, vast caverns, colossal monuments carved into Martian canyons, and towering humanoid figures"
Something is seriously wrong with that guy if he didn't think immediately visualize this...
“When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation.”
“Project Stargate was a secret U.S. Army initiative established in 1977 at Fort Meade, Maryland, by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and SRI International.
Its primary objective was to investigate the potential use of psychic phenomena, including remote viewing, telepathy, and psychokinesis, for military and intelligence applications,”
They have far too much money apparently.
Do you come from a land down under?
Imagine that. Martians wearing some kind of strange clothes. I thought they would be Brooks Brothers suits.
Were they wearing white shoes after Labor Day?
Where women glow and men plunder?
I’m not sure about who walked on Mars, but in the Old Testament, there are several references to ‘Giants’ of one description or another.
One species is called Nephilim: Described in Genesis 6 as the offspring of rebellious angels and human women.
The Nephilim were known to be very violent. Jehovah destroyed the Nephilim and the ancient world with a global flood, leaving only Noah and his family alive.
The legendary giant Goliath in David’s time, is said to have been of the Nephilim race.
This old book is supposedly the one that freaked out the intelligence folks:
The .gov folks were terrified the Russkies would win the psychic spy wars.
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