Posted on 06/29/2024 4:06:29 AM PDT by davikkm
Denmark is set to implement a law that limits the display of foreign flags within its borders. According to Justice Minister Peter Hummelgaard, the Danish flag (known as the Dannebrog) holds significant national importance, and as such, the flags of other countries cannot be freely flown. However, there are exceptions: flags from Nordic countries, Greenland, the Faroe Islands, Germany, and international organizations will not be subject to these restrictions. Embassies will also be allowed to display their respective national emblems. The law is expected to take effect on January 1, following a parliamentary vote.
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Mexican flags are showing up all over Northern California. The chance of such a law passing here is zero.
Wouldn’t it be nice if we passed a law that only the United States flag is allowed on government property. I know some would be upset by not having the POW/MIA flag included. But I think in order to stop all the other left wing flags up, a law with just the United States flag is necessary.
What about my Margaritaville flag?
With extra social credit given to people displaying American flags made in China.
As with everything in this country right now, we already have laws; they aren't being followed. Flag law has been in place for decades.
Even more so when the national flag is pulled down and another flag is put in its place. This has happened very recently a number of times. The other flag can be understood to represent an enemy.
Yeah, I’ve seen the Mexican flag flown a few times. It’s like, if you love your country so much then why are you here instead of there?
“The chance of such a law passing here is zero.”
We do have laws covering the display of foreign flags in the US. And that includes the Mexican flag. It falls under 4 U.S. Code § 7 - Position and manner of display. Problem is that no one enforces it or even to ask the people flying them wrong to change them. And there is a penalty for it. In response to a Supreme Court decision which held that a state law prohibiting flag burning was unconstitutional, Congress enacted the Flag Protection Act in 1989. It provides that anyone who knowingly desecrates the flag may be fined and/or imprisoned for up to one year.
Problem is that there has been a run on freedom of speech issues with the flag and each situation requires the review of a court to decide. And according to 18 U.S. Code § 700 - Desecration of the flag of the United States; penalties, the determination of a considered guilt of flying it wrong, or even desecrting it, can go to the SCOTUS for appeal. Very sticky area.
Is the real problem foreign flags, or the foreign nationals in Denmark that fly them?
Must be something in the Danish water supply.
Denmark will start a program to measure the burps and farts of all livestock and charge a fee to the poor farmers.
(Not a joke!)
Whereas here, flying the American flag is being made punishable.
What about rainbow flags?
I will fly my 20th Maine regimental flag on July 1-4.
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