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It May Be Time to Pay Attention to COVID Again.
Web MD ^
| 8.10.2023
| Kara Grant , Damian McNamara, MA
Posted on 08/16/2023 6:46:26 AM PDT by Carriage Hill
More than 3 years into the COVID-19 era, most Americans have settled back into their pre-pandemic lifestyles. But a new dominant variant and rising hospitalization numbers may give way to another summer surge. Since April, a new COVID variant has cropped up. According to recent CDC data, EG.5 – from the Omicron family – now makes up 17% of all cases in the U.S., up from 7.5% in the first week of July.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
KEYWORDS: chinavirus; chinavirusvariant; covid; covidvariant; facemasks; government; lockdowns; masks
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Here we go again?
To: Carriage Hill
posted on
08/16/2023 6:47:54 AM PDT
(You may disagree with what I have to say, but I shall defend to your death my right to says it.)
To: Carriage Hill
posted on
08/16/2023 6:47:57 AM PDT
(Gravity’s waiting period is about 9.8 m/s²)
To: Carriage Hill
It May Be Time to Pay Attention to COVID Again.We have another election.
To: Carriage Hill
Govt “foot to the neck” again.
To: Carriage Hill
posted on
08/16/2023 6:50:07 AM PDT
gov_bean_ counter
(Eccl 10:2 - The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.)
To: Carriage Hill
posted on
08/16/2023 6:51:38 AM PDT
(Make orwell fiction again)
To: Carriage Hill
The thing I dread most about our elections, aside from fraud, are the pandemics.
To: Carriage Hill
No. You lie. I do not trust any hysteria regarding the China Virus. FOAD.
posted on
08/16/2023 6:53:32 AM PDT
To: Carriage Hill
To: Carriage Hill
das Serge
posted on
08/16/2023 6:54:16 AM PDT
(China Joe and Paycheck Hunter - the Chink in America's defenses)
To: Carriage Hill
[It May Be Time to Pay Attention to COVID Again.]

And now for my canned posting - Covid-19
(84) was a dry run, even if by accident, for the Mark of the Beast
THE FOLLOWING IS SOMETHING SAVED FOR MULTIPLE POSTINGS Global.........basically, THE ENTIRE WORLD (for all intents and purposes)
(84) ---> Covid-19
(84) is not the Mark of the Beast.
(I'm just saying that for the thread)
The parallels are downright eerie.
A clear warning of things to come.
Covid-19 came as a snare. Now it's not THE snare.
But still, it came as a snare. UPON THE ENTIRE WORLD.
A snare that came upon the entire world and institutionalized Global tyranny almost overnight.
Determining if you can travel, BUY and in some cases SELL.
Or if you can even work a job.
Tyranny upon tyranny.
The parallels are just too eerie and too spot-on.
This is a very clear foreshadowing of Revelation chapter 13 and the sheep are blind to it.
posted on
08/16/2023 6:54:41 AM PDT
(Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold ......)
To: Carriage Hill
Pay attention? WTF does that even mean?
There’s a virus, do mean like there always has been and always will be?
posted on
08/16/2023 6:55:15 AM PDT
To: Carriage Hill
Lock ‘em down Dan-O. Uh, sadly there will still be a large compliant batch of sheep. Just get booster #72 and everything will be awesome. No, really.
posted on
08/16/2023 6:57:08 AM PDT
(Destroy America from within? Check! WTH? Enlisted USN 1967 to end up with this💩? 🚫💉)
To: kiryandil
Balki from Perfect Strangers. I haven’t seen Beverly Hills Cop in a long time…
posted on
08/16/2023 6:57:26 AM PDT
To: Carriage Hill
We are approaching traditional flu season. We shall see how much terror they sow over people getting the flu this year.
posted on
08/16/2023 7:01:13 AM PDT
(Former DC GOP globalist stooge)
To: Carriage Hill
What do they mean, again? I never paid attention to it the first time.
To: SaveFerris
How come we (at least I didn’t) see any, or very little, data (like it would be true) from africa of south america? Vax rates, alleged CONvid deaths............ I have an old high school buddy living in Costa Rica and he said it was very strict there. Pretty sure there are millions that never got treated despite claims to the contrary.
posted on
08/16/2023 7:03:15 AM PDT
(Destroy America from within? Check! WTH? Enlisted USN 1967 to end up with this💩? 🚫💉)
To: Carriage Hill
Nope. I threw masks away. They are so freakin’ obvious with the election ploys and lockdowns. Government wants to ness with schools, too. Should I go full toilet paper yet?
I saw someone with a mask on in the Michigan town we were visiting yesterday. It was strange enough that I wanted to point and laugh. People are listening to the freak out stuff. 🙄
To: madison10
I STILL see the occasional person wearing a mask; usually it’s an elderly person, and all the folks in Rite Aid Pharmacy, here in East York, are mandated to wear them. Pathetic.
posted on
08/16/2023 7:07:23 AM PDT
Carriage Hill
(A society grows great when old men plant trees, in whose shade they know they will never sit.)
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