Both TRUMP & DESANTIS are doing it for the $$$$$.
DeSantis endorses Guinness Beer months after their release of transsexual child’s commercial
Ok. Trump is wrong on siding with Disney. He just wants to use this as a weapon against a political rival.
Sad thing is he didn’t have to say anything about it. He doesn’t need to say anything. He screwed up and hes on the wrong side to boot.
He could have even played this better. He should have sided with DeSantis, even though he’s a rival. He would have looked like the bigger man who was more obkective.
No ones perfect. Trump just proved he’s not perfect. Disappointing. Hes better when hes not taking things personally.
Still voting for him.
Well that’s interesting.
Fifty years ago, i figured out that Disney does what what the Leftists always do which is weaken or destroy the family.
Almost all of their films have the same under theme. Kids want to do something. Parents say no. Kids don’t listen, disobey and sneak off to a wonderful adventure while parents worry.
Eventually keds return home. Parents so worried and glad to have them home safe there is no punishment or consequences.
Even most animated movies have a dark undertheme, which like the human actor movies get across the idea that parents are dummies and disobedience, lies,sneaking away is perfectly 0.K.
Disney is not a culrural asset.
Trump is being really whacko lately.
DS has been completely ineffective, he has been doing ineffective half measures as publicity stunts while leaving Disney all its unfair tax breaks etc.
Trump is right that DS needs to go all in or stop faking it.
A pathetic attempt at attacking President Trump. His post says nothing remotely close to the accusation in this worthless article.
The man simply states the truth. The Desantis ploy WRT Disney was simply a political attempt to appear to be The Man. Not well thought through and effectively countered by Disney.
The Left Virtue Signals with well-calculated intent. RINOs try to Conservative Signal with little effect. Desantis’ ploy is proving to be a failed attempt at the latter.
President Trump instantly recognized this ploy and is Laughing at the result.
Bo chime isn’t an honest writer.
Trump knocking DeSantis for being too right-wing on LGBT, Disney, Medicare, Social Security, etc. is interesting.
Next he’ll say DeSantis was pro-vaccine enough.
If true, this is NOT going to help Trump.
Who’s advising him on this...Lindsey Graham?
the enemy of my enemy is my friend
I was a big Trump supporter in the last election but he’s becoming less palatable after attacks on other Republicans. He’s shooting himself in the foot almost on a daily basis.
Disney could leave Florida and we wouldn’t even notice.
I love Trump. But this post on top of Jr’s defense of Bud Light shows startling, almost in-your-face hostility toward people who love Trump.
Trump is not taking disney’s side.
Trump is just saying that de santis is handling it badly.
Seems to me that Trump is not taking the side of Disney. He’s just pointing out how DeSantis is being outmaneuvered while playing political games, trying to create something he can sell the rubes as a victory.
I’d tell Trump to go to hell but he’s already there. And his loss in 2024 will probably result in communism in America. What a loser. He had it all, blew it, and will likely destroy the country.
Trump is a shame.