How many of DeSantis' appointees in Tallahassee required U.S. Senate confirmation?
Trump's biggest problem in D.C. is that nobody in his circle of associates would ever want to work in that dump.
DeSantis' biggest problem in D.C. would be that his appointees would all be people who WANT to work there -- for the wrong reasons.
I see a great man with a fundamental blind spot that needs to be fixed. It cause unforced errors. Yea, sure, senate confirmation and the swamp and MSM. Understood. Nonetheless, Trump simply helps his enemies with terrible HR skills. Ultimately, it limits MAGA and I'm tiring of seeing yet another hissy fit where Trump trashes HIS bad personnel decision publicly (small wonder good people may balk at working for him).
I believe you see a great man with no personnel blind spot. You attribute these bad picks to senate confirmation and the swamp and MSM, and think any other President would have done the same thing, or worse. Except with Trump, we get a fighter and MAGA will prevail.
We shall see. Be well.