Posted on 12/06/2021 9:31:28 PM PST by SeekAndFind
The midterm elections are right around the corner, and that means that there is a number of governor’s races gearing up. The top seats of states are on the line, and it’s likely that things are going to get desperate, especially on the left.
Politico took stock of what’s going on just a year out and compiled a list of what they think is going to be the most competitive. Among the states listed are Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, and Nevada and many more. To be sure, many of these states aren’t just going to see competitive races, but contentious ones.
Stacy Abrams has announced that she’s making a play for the governor’s seat in Georgia, and as one of the most divisive figures in the country yet one of the most beloved by the left, you can bet things are going to get heated. In Pennsylvania, it sounds as if the fight won’t just between Democrats and Republicans, but Republicans and Republicans as a whole host of people have stepped forward to run for the office.
One interesting thing one would notice, however, is the lack of one state despite a big name on the left announcing his candidacy for governor.
This means that after analyzing the situation, at this juncture, Politico does not see Democrat challenger Beto O’Rourke as a threat to incumbent Republican Gov. Greg Abbott. O’Rourke announced his candidacy mid-November and while this initially generated some buzz, that buzz died off as quickly as it arose.
The reasons may be numerous. O’Rourke just announced and is still getting his burgeoning campaign’s feet under it. There hasn’t been any real advertising yet and fundraising prowess hasn’t been seen, at least for this attempt at office.
It could also be that Democrats have seen this song and dance with O’Rourke as their partner before. He’s not exactly known for winning, even with tremendous support and fund behind him. He seems like an empty suit that will say whatever he needs to say to make you like him and positions aren’t honestly come by. As a Texas senatorial candidate, O’Rourke seemed to have a bit more of a moderate leftism to him, but on the national stage he went to AOC-level extremes to try to attract voters. How he’s going to come back to Texas after that showing and run for the highest office in the land is a head scratcher.
This is especially true since Texas has been one of the state’s hardest hit by the illegal immigration crisis, an issue O’Rourke has previously taken some very leftist stances over.
(READ: Stop Trying to Make Beto O’Rourke Happen)
As it stands, Texas hasn’t gone as blue as Democrats would like. In fact, Democrats seem to be losing more and more ground within the state as time goes on.
Again, there’s still a lot of time on the board. I’d say there’s a lot of football left to play, but the game hasn’t even technically started yet. Still, we’ve seen the pieces begin arranging themselves on their respective boards and while many states are about to go into all out political war, people seem to not be too excited about what’s going to happen in Texas.
It’s as if they already know the ending to this story, and not because Texas is so red, but because O’Rourke has always been a losing bet.
Nobody should assume that is true.
Not because I think Beto is actually competent, but the Dems will cheat.
Don’t care. I’m not voting for Abbott ever again.
The RINO crap will never stop until we stop it.
I don’t vote for Tyrants.
>>It could also be that Democrats have seen this song and dance with O’Rourke as their partner before. He’s not exactly known for winning, even with tremendous support and fund behind him. He seems like an empty suit that will say whatever he needs to say to make you like him and positions aren’t honestly come by.
All of which could be said for John Ossoff too, yet the rats managed to steal him a senate seat. I hope Texans don’t get complacent.
Dems have two obvious problems va if they can lose they can lose a lot of places two the real reason bidet is so unpopular is because people hate everything he has done. This is going to get much worse for the rats
“It could also be that Democrats have seen this song and dance with O’Rourke as their partner before. He’s not exactly known for winning, even with tremendous support and fund behind him.”
It ‘could’ be anything, but the issue that sunk Beto the most was gun confiscation.
“Don’t care. I’m not voting for Abbott ever again.
The RINO crap will never stop until we stop it.
I don’t vote for Tyrants.”
I’m with you. Who cares about voting, as long as Abbott wins!
No O'Dork thread is complete without this moron's goofy skateboard gif.
Drunk Driving Irish Bob’s campaign ended with “Hell yes I’m going to take your AR-15s”.
It will be funny if he can sucker gullible Californians and New Yorkers again though.
That's because AG Paxton has been prosecuting voter fraud like spots on a leopard.
Beto Bandito is nothing but a cheap “street taco.”
Are you hallucinating?
Where did I say I was voting for BETO?
Do you regularly make stuff up?
If you are not voting for Beto’s opponent, then that is effectively a vote for Beto.
Abbott shut down businesses and forced masks on everyone including children.
If that isn’t tyrannical to you then then that explains why we are in the mess we’re in.
Then don’t vote for him. But don’t imagine that the devil you don’t know will somehow be magically better.
Abbott is a man in a wheelchair, who has had some severe medical situations in his life. When COVID came around, he tried to be drastically preemptive because he believed the medical experts. In his life, medical experts kept him alive.
We might not agree with him, I certainly don’t, but his life shaped his choices. It wasn’t tyranny, it was making a decision based on his own life situation. Other governors, like Cuomo and Whitmer, made decisions based on personal power and politics. And Beto will do the same.
Abbott can and did change his mind about things, trying to right, none of the rest ever will. Will this change your mind? No, you are too angry and taking it personal.
He changed his mind when the heat was on him about the power grid. He didn’t have a come to Jesus moment. He masked Texans for nearly a year and only when he was ready to start his governor campaign again did he nix the vax.
The fact he fell for it at all is scary.
And once again, I’m not voting for BETO, so I’m not sure why you keep bringing that up.
That is weird.
By that asinine logic, me not voting Beto means I’m voting for abbott.
Stop this mess. It’s the very argument that keeps the filthy swine swamp entrenched in DC. That argument is how they get reelected over and over.
Me thinks thou doth protest too much.
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