The only way any of this nonsense makes any sense is he has bought into great power in the Globalist CABAL.
But, are we actually any better?
Did my best to copy the article correctly, but some things at the link are easier to read. There are also good photos.
Next, Nazistralia will be sending the unvaxxed to concentration camp cremetoriums.
It didn’t take long at all to ruin OZ. They need to be freed from their enslavement.
Mind blowing how fast Australia turned into Nazi Germany.
This is only eastern Australia. Western Australia is doing fine. It appears that to get a feel for what is going on, just think of it as “East Australia and West Australia”, and then replace “Australia” with “Germany”.
That seems to be what we have here.
He needs to be removed expeditiously.
This is one reason to never get the first vaxx.
Once they own you they own you.
(keep all unvaccinated citizens isolated, marginalized and locked out of the economy deep into 2022)
Can’t work
Can’t buy
Can’t sell
Setting the stage for the eventual Mark of the Beast
Revelation 13:16-18
King James Version
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
I would rather live in a tent on the sidewalk than participate in this madness.
Daniel don’t need no stinking Voters
There must be bodies everywhere.
Go on Aussies, and take all your jabs. Your ruler said so. You have no choice. Starting to second guess that firearms “buyback”, huh?
The next election - if there is one - should be interesting. This guy is obviously crazy.
Amazing to think I considered Oz as one of my potential bug out locals.
If the US goes completely insane.
In April 2020, 77% approved of Andrews’ handling of the coronavirus pandemic; this was the third highest figure out of all of Australia’s premiers.[49] Andrews’ approval ratings dropped due to the acceleration of Victoria’s second wave of infections and harsh restrictions aimed at suppressing the spread of infections. A September 2020 Roy Morgan Research poll showed that 70% approved of the way Andrews was handling his job as Premier of Victoria,[50] and a September 2020 Newspoll showed that 62% agreed that Andrews handled Victoria’s COVID-19 response well.[51] In November 2020, a Roy Morgan Research showed that Andrews’ approval rating had increased by 12%, with 71% of Victorian electors approving of his handling of his job.[52]
What is wrong with people?!?!
This D-bag needs to have a Mussolini moment
Totally off topic here, but the article refers to a hypothetical scenario where someone “forgot to change the oil on their leased electric vehicle.” Do electric vehicles require oil changes?
The Australian jackboosts...