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Operation "bat mitzvah" near Gaza border completed. With a bit of a surprise inspiration and a miraculous story from the war!
Facebook channel ^
| 19/5/21
| Avi Abelow and Elana Abelow Kronenberg
Posted on 05/19/2021 5:16:19 AM PDT by Eleutheria5
Took eldest son back to his base on the Ghaza border after getting him leave to attend his cousin's bat mitzvah. Reflections of Avi and wife Elana re war, son in harm's way, Israel's jois de vivre, etc.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: History; Local News; Military/Veterans; Miscellaneous
KEYWORDS: gaza; ghaza; hamas; israel; miracle; netivot; war; waronterror
My wife listens to this blog regularly. It does have some important info and perspectives. But Avi is long-winded as f@#$ and more than a bit boring imho. But I post it this time out of respect for him and his wife, who have family in harm's way and in uniform, fighting the good fight.
To: Eleutheria5
You’re not kidding about him being long-winded. He had me yelling at my screen, “Finish your story!!!”
To: throwthebumsout
Takes him forever to get to the point, and his voice is annoying, like having Jerry Lewis lecturing on nuclear physics, only it’s not nuclear physics.
posted on
05/19/2021 5:30:38 AM PDT
("The impossible happens all the time. You just have to believe." Will Robinson)
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