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Confirmed: FBI Hired Known Drug Addict Stefan Halper to Set Up and Bring Down the President of the United States and Anyone Connected to Him
Gateway Pundit ^
| 03/08/2021
| Joe Hoft
Posted on 03/08/2021 9:20:04 PM PST by SeekAndFind
It’s now confirmed that the FBI used a known drug addict in an effort to set up and bring down the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, and anyone connected to him.
This is today’s FBI – set up innocent individuals with crimes while ignoring real obvious crimes like those involved in the 2020 election.
In late February documents were released surrounding one of the FBI’s spies hired to set up and discredit members of the Trump team in 2016. The Conservative Treehouse noted:
The FBI documents outline how Stefan Halper was enlisted by the FBI for their operation to target the campaign of Donald Trump in 2016. Halper agreed to become a confidential human source (CHS) or spy for the FBI, and record contacts with several members of the Trump campaign in order to frame the Russian collusion narrative.
Despite secret recordings showing Carter Page clearly had no idea about any Russian connections to the campaign, or people within it; and despite Page clearly rebuking any effort to draw those inferences; the FBI still went forward with a Title-1 FISA surveillance warrant against Page and never informed the court of the exculpatory recordings.
The documents were released by John Solomon at Just the News:
The memos show that the FBI instructed Halper in August 2016 not to focus on Papadopoulos first, but rather on Page, whom the FBI described as an “opportune target.” Papadopoulos was given the code name Crossfire Typhoon (CT), while Page was given the codename Crossfire Dragon (CD) in the memos.
“The main goal of the operation is to have CD admit that he has direct knowledge of and is either helping coordinate or assisting the RF [Russian Federation] conduct an active measure campaign with the ‘Trump Team,’” stated an Aug. 24, 2016 report detailing the FBI’s interactions with Halper that week.
If the Page operation failed, the FBI “team would then change its posture and move forward with an operation against CROSSFIRE TYPHOON,” the memos stated. (read more)
It was all a setup – there was no crime but the FBI wanted to create one.
The problem with the FBI is that they used a drug addict to do their dirty work:
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: FBI Utilized Crack Addict Stefan Halper As ITS KEY SOURCE to Spy Illegally on Trump Team in Its Attempted Coup of the President – Wow!
Our Justice Department is broken.
KEYWORDS: coup; fbi; gosbezopasnosti; securityoperatives; statesecurity; stefanhalper; trump
To: SeekAndFind
CIA and on FBI payroll for decades. Just another government grifter who gets a paycheck normal Americans only dream of for a do-nothing job.
And by the way, this fat clown “American” was never brought back to face the investigation, and no US investigator ever spoke to him.
Steele created the “dossier” on his own. There was NO Russian source. It was not “disinformation”. Steele created it and Halper helped shop the story around and set up others to get the buzz going.
The reason they keep prattling on about the “Russian source” is simple. If there is a Russian source, then our intel agencies were tricked by Russia. This makes them sloppy and a little incompetent. If there was no Russian source, then this was pure treason with no escape hatch.
posted on
03/08/2021 9:39:40 PM PST
(Dog is man's best friend, and moslems hate dogs. Add that up. .... )
To: SeekAndFind
Mueller, Horowitz, Durham, House committee, Senate committee, etc.
Nobody has ever put out a Subpoena for him to answer questions.
The junta in DC is completely corrupt.
posted on
03/08/2021 9:44:40 PM PST
(Dog is man's best friend, and moslems hate dogs. Add that up. .... )
To: DesertRhino
Don’t forget about that Joseph Misfud character. He was supposedly in on the dossier, I think.
To: SeekAndFind
Would it have been okay if he wasn’t a drug addict?
To: DesertRhino
I don’t for a second believe that Steele created it on his own. He was fed the information, probably from people such as Syndey Blumenthal and others, who invented it or found it on internet chatrooms. A few bits from the dossier were already in the public domain (such as the so-called Trump servers connected to Russian banks, and the “pee tape” rumor). Steele’s “job” was to maybe format the information and then funnel it with his imprimatur as a “former MI-6 intelligence officer” to give it so-called credibility (even though he had already been fired by the FBI for leaking). Also, creates arms length/plausible deniability removing direct connections by sticking him as one of several layers in the middle. When the FBI didn’t leak the information (and re-opened the Hillary email investigation which imo spooked HRC) Steele then went to the State Department to peddle it.
posted on
03/08/2021 10:26:53 PM PST
(live and let live is dead)
To: Oshkalaboomboom; SeekAndFind
He’s too fat to be a bona fide crackhead.
posted on
03/08/2021 10:27:38 PM PST
(live and let live is dead)
To: White Lives Matter
I believe it was a multi-pronged setup. I don’t know who were the authors of the dossier information specifically but don’t think guys like Halper and Misfud were part of that aspect. Their job was to create (as Comey called it under oath in Congress) a “mosaic of information” beyond the dossier itself.
The FBI had to know that the dossier itself was garbage. I am convinced the 7th floor was in on it; but they still needed to make it appear as if they were doing things “by the book” as Susan Rice said Obama told them all. Nevertheless, even “by the book” they had good reason not to believe the contents of the dossier. So they knew from the jump they would need more and that is why they put the press on people like Page and Papadopoulos hoping to get something. Then they turned on General Flynn. Then Roger Stone.
posted on
03/08/2021 10:35:14 PM PST
(live and let live is dead)
To: monkeyshine
#7. Re Halper being “too fat to be a bona fide crackhead”.
But he would be qualified to be a fat buttcrack. (That is where he kept his drug addled head at night).
To: SeekAndFind
Don’t look now but we have our own gestapo.
posted on
03/09/2021 1:23:57 AM PST
(Socialism is legalized plunder)
To: SeekAndFind
posted on
03/09/2021 1:39:50 AM PST
To: SeekAndFind
Backround music - Scott Joplin “The Entertainer”
To: SeekAndFind
DRUG ADDICT??? Never heard of this!!
posted on
03/09/2021 3:57:00 AM PST
Ann Archy
(Abortion....... The HUMAN Sacrifice to the god of Convenience.)
To: Ann Archy
DRUG ADDICT??? Should have called it Operation Buffoon.
posted on
03/09/2021 4:00:09 AM PST
Sirius Lee
(They intend to murder us. Prep if you want to live and live like you are prepping for eternal life)
To: Sirius Lee
Crossfire Buffoon. (can’t even write jokes before coffee)
posted on
03/09/2021 4:00:58 AM PST
Sirius Lee
(They intend to murder us. Prep if you want to live and live like you are prepping for eternal life)
To: SeekAndFind
Big deal...the FBI hires decrepits all the time.
posted on
03/09/2021 4:36:03 AM PST
(invictus maneo)
To: AdmSmith; AnonymousConservative; Arthur Wildfire! March; Berosus; Bockscar; cardinal4; ColdOne; ...
posted on
03/09/2021 4:47:35 AM PST
(Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie.)
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