Posted on 04/22/2019 12:51:27 AM PDT by Jacquerie
America doesnt have a classic aristocracy. But, does it have an order set above the people?
In Chapter IX of The Prince, Niccolo Machiavelli paused for a moment from advising kings who clawed their way to the crown through crimes and violence. Instead, in the constitutional principality, citizens elect one of their fellows to the kingship. Mentally replace the words aristocracy/nobility with Deep State when reading Chapter IX, and this lesson is as pertinent today as it was in the early 16th century.
In the constitutional principality, Machiavelli observed that one of two groups of citizens make the new prince: the people or the nobles.
When the king is the favorite of the people, they trust he will check the nobility. It is a tall order because the aristocracy fills his public offices and always has his ear. Where the aristocracys natural interest is to expand its wealth and power at the expense of the people, the people just want to be left alone.
On the other hand, when the nobility make one their own the king, it is done with self-serving intent cleverly cloaked in populist deceit. Having spent decades in government, these senior administration officials protect and enrich themselves by protecting the prince at all costs. Such was the relationship between President Obama and his loyal-to-the-end cabinet secretaries.
A prince made by the people must work to keep their favor. When challenges arise they will stand by him. He drew a distinction between demagogues who incite passing emotions and the prince who builds his support on the general welfare, who commands respect, does not fade in adversity, wins general allegiance through his public virtue and the institutions he establishes. The people will never let such men down, especially when they strive to leave enduring institutions behind.
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Where the aristocracys natural interest is to expand its wealth and power at the expense of the people, the people just want to be left alone.
The people will never let such men down, especially when they strive to leave enduring institutions behind...
Oh but they will, when the aristocracy and the demogogues convince the people, not the king, what’s in their mutual interest... whether it is or not the people let the man down with malice.
Thanks for your post.
You bet! I appreciate.
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