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bracken: covington gives a glimpse of civil war two
American Partisan ^ | January 28, 2019 | Matthew Bracken

Posted on 01/28/2019 4:42:33 AM PST by Travis McGee

During the attempted electronic lynching of the Covington Catholic high school boys on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, the mask hiding the Left’s genocidal rage slipped and was momentarily visible. The reality of the confrontation was inverted 180 degrees by the duplicitous mainstream media so that a smiling white teenager was made to face the wrath of an Orwellian two-minute hate that stretched on for days, even after the factual record was corrected. Accelerated by social media, the virtual lynch mob called for, among other horrors, MAGA-hat-wearing teenage boys to be fed headfirst into wood chippers, or for them to be locked en-masse into their school and the school to be burned to the ground.

This hurricane of socially sanctioned racial fury did not arise spontaneously, but was the result of deliberate cultivation over the past few decades by the political Left, academia, the mainstream media, and the Hollywood entertainment elite. Entire books could be written laying out the many already familiar examples of the Left encouraging racial animosity against whites, but that is not my goal in writing this piece.

I am instead observing that before every notorious genocide, the same pattern of marginalizing and demonizing a designated scapegoat population has occurred. On the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, the national mainstream media signaled that it was now acceptable to vent seething racial hatred against white males, even teenage boys. This was further telegraphed when notable verified Twitter blue-check accounts were not suspended after doxing the boys and posting explicit calls for violence against them. (By way of contrast, I was permanently banned from Twitter for posting an anti-burka meme that did not even name a religion.)

The Covington confrontation points to an ironclad historical pattern. Every previous genocide in modern times was preceded by a similar pattern of public demonization of state-designated scapegoats. But is correlation causation? Does the American Left intend to eventually commit genocide against white heritage American males? In my opinion, yes. Scapegoating is part of a clear pattern of conduct seen during every socialist power grab from the French Revolution until now. In the case of German national socialists, European Jews were the scapegoats of the Nazis during their climb to power. In the case of international socialists, AKA Communists, class enemies were usually but not always the designated scapegoats. Examples of class enemies would include the Kulaks in the Soviet Union, “landlords” in China, and “intellectuals” in Cambodia. But in other cases ethnic groups were targeted as scapegoats by Communists, to include the Ukrainians, Crimeans, Latvians and others.

So, are today’s Democrats already planning to load their white heritage American enemies into boxcars for trips to a new Gulag? Probably not many at this time, but Barack Obama’s political mentor Bill Ayers certainly considered it. Ayers believed that so many Americans would bitterly resist Communism that 25 million would have to be “eliminated.”

Today in the United States, a possible future genocide remains far down the track and around the curve, well out of sight, and beyond the power of most Americans to even imagine. But the historical record is clear. Broad social approval of class- or racially-based scapegoating is a necessary precursor stage to eventual genocide, and a combination of both variants was clearly seen in the Covington case.

Will planned genocide ever be the overtly stated policy of the socialist-leaning Democrat (DemSoc) party? Probably not. Even Adolf Hitler never put “The Final Solution to the Jewish Question” into a formal written order, but the Holocaust happened nonetheless. Vladimir Lenin was less cautious, recording his orders for state terror and mass murder in his own handwriting.

But today’s American Democrats are still far from that final stage of dealing with their enemies. For now, the demonization of their future scapegoats is only one indicator of the current phase of the Gramscian “long march through the institutions” stealth communization process that is now underway.

So what is the overall process currently in play, and where are we on the timeline? I am going to assume that readers of this essay are already familiar with the Dunning-Kruger Effect and the Cloward-Piven Strategy. Summarized, the current Democrat strategy for political victory is to maximize the number of government-dependent morons, in order to overwhelm our national ability to pay for all of the government’s mandated social programs, to thereby collapse the system and bring about a revolutionary political climate. This is taken straight out of the Bolshevik and Alinsky handbooks. Vladimir Lenin supposedly put it this way: “The worse, the better.”

As the government fails to keep up with its social welfare promises, the Democrats will blame their pre-designated scapegoats for every one of their own failures. In the United States, Public Enemy Number One will be older white Christian conservative heterosexual men who will be called obstructionists and saboteurs. Being morons, the Dunning-Kruger Democrats will fall for the party line, and also blame white heritage American scapegoats for the failure of their own party’s utopian promises.

Why will the Democrats push for social welfare programs that are impossible to achieve, that in fact have failed in every other case ever attempted? Because they only care about attaining permanent power for themselves, and this process is a proven method for reaching that goal. The Democrat elites are content to rule the ruins of a failed nation, in perpetuity. And to do so, they will need a convenient scapegoat population to blame for their own failed policies, and that is why they are encouraging identity (racial) politics, as starkly seen in the Covington confrontation. They are preparing their time-tested psychological weapons of mass destruction for the next phases in the ongoing stealth communization process. You may observe the history of Venezuela over the past twenty years to see the entire process carried out from start to finish.

The unexpected election of President Donald Trump indicated to Democrat party leaders that there were still too many white heritage Americans as a percentage of the electorate for them to cement their identity-politics socialist triumph in perpetuity. There are not yet enough moronic Dunning-Kruger Democrats to push the DemSocs over the top in national elections forever.


Despite Trump’s 2016 victory, a glowing example of the solution to their national electoral shortfall is clearly visible to Democrat leaders. In my lifetime California was the wealthiest and most successful state in the union. It produced Republican governors and even sent Ronald Reagan to the White House. But due to open borders and unchecked immigration, California is halfway to becoming Venezuela, or as I shall term it, Calizuela. The former Golden State has gone from national leader to national embarrassment, with squalid tent cities for its burgeoning homeless population, complete with needle- and feces-strewn sidewalks.

Amazingly, this observable failure is counted as a great political victory by the Democrat party. Calizuela is proof that flooding a state with government-dependent foreign idiots and rewarding them with driver’s licenses and voter cards can turn a formerly conservative Republican state into a one-party Democrat stronghold in a single generation. The proven Calizuela formula is blazingly clear to the Democrat Party bosses in the other 49 states: import as many poor and illiterate foreign immigrants as possible, because over 80 percent of them will sooner or later become reliable Democrat voters. (And this is the reason that Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats refuse to pay more than one dollar for an actual, physical border wall or barrier.)

(Read the rest at the American Partisan link here.)

TOPICS: Government; History; Military/Veterans
KEYWORDS: banglist; clickbait; covington; cwii; cwiiping; genocide; selfpromotion
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This is a new piece I wrote over the weekend. It's 3.5K words in length, or I'd post it all here. The American Partisan posting also has some embedded links, so it's probably better to read it over there anyway.
1 posted on 01/28/2019 4:42:33 AM PST by Travis McGee
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To: afnamvet; AK2KX; Ancesthntr; An Old Man; APatientMan; ApesForEvolution; aragorn; archy; ...


American Partisan, January 28, 2019

I just wrote a new essay on Civil War Two, so I thought it would be appropriate to ping the CW2 list.

2 posted on 01/28/2019 4:45:20 AM PST by Travis McGee (
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To: All
The mask hiding the Left’s genocidal rage slipped during the print/electronic lynching of Covington Catholic's high school boys.

And it was frightening.

Lefty lynch mobs called for assorted horrors even the KKK could not envision:

<><> feeding teenage boys head-first into wood chippers,

<><> locking the boys into the school and burning the school to the ground.

The obedient, faked-up media (print, broadcast and social) exposed the wrath of the Left's Orwellian hate for days, even after the factual record was corrected.

SHOULD BE NOTED: The Left's Grand Wizards waged their knee-jerk War of Hate without the familiar white hoods and capes.

3 posted on 01/28/2019 4:59:00 AM PST by Liz ( Our side has 8 trillion bullets; the other side doesn't know which bathroom to use.)
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To: Travis McGee

Excellent read. Just wow. :(

5 posted on 01/28/2019 5:04:54 AM PST by PistolPaknMama
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To: Travis McGee

A “CW2” will look like the Troubles in Northern Ireland.

Nothing but a long series of isolated clashes between paramilitary groups with a large number of people caught in the middle.

6 posted on 01/28/2019 5:08:22 AM PST by VanDeKoik
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To: Travis McGee
This looks spot on, I am going to head over to the site to read it.

You did have one line that really resonated with me: "...the mask hiding the Left’s genocidal rage slipped and was momentarily visible..."

It resonates with me, because I have long felt that one of the basic tenets of Leftism is that they have to conceal their real goals from the American electorate because there is no mandate from the citizenry for their agenda...and most real Americans would be surprised and appalled to see just exactly what they want to carry out.

So, they have to wear masks.

However, after both Clinton and Obama made it to the White House, and people like Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders (and now Ocasio-Cortez) have been emoboldened to reveal more about just who they really are, but as we know, they are still holding back because if they had their way, they would be as tyrannical as Stalin, Mao, or Pol Pot. So they still have to reveal much of what they are all about.

With their increasing anger at being unable to carry out their agendas on gun control, climate change, speech codes and such, they have become so unhinged that their anger causes that "mask" to slip, and Americans have caught glimpses of the ugliness that lives under those masks. The media avoids reporting it, but...more and more, their malevolence is revealed for all to see.

7 posted on 01/28/2019 5:09:50 AM PST by rlmorel (Leftists: They believe in the "Invisible Hand" only when it is guided by government.)
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To: Travis McGee; Envisioning


8 posted on 01/28/2019 5:10:52 AM PST by waterhill (I Shall Remain, in spite of __________.)
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To: Travis McGee

Matt, this is a very good essay.
CW2 is in our future.
Unless the sane counter / ridicule / re-establish norms.
Is avoiding almost certain destruction of our republic worth the hassle of putting up organized resistance to leftist madness?
Why are we just letting this happen without an organized fight?
Where are the leader/s for such an effort?

9 posted on 01/28/2019 5:13:45 AM PST by MarchonDC09122009 (When is our next march on DC? When have we had enough?)
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To: Liz

Kurt Schlichter, over at Townhall, is on the same page today.

“What Will It Take To Make You Understand And Accept That They Hate You?”

Pull quote:
“Accept that that (Covington) kid was you, and me. If they’ll ice a kid for not having the right grin, they’ll waste you or me in a heartbeat. Murder is, after all, how leftists roll. The USSR, Red China, Cambodia, North Korea, Cuba – that cadaver-strewn litany teaches what’s lurking at the bottom of the slope we’re sliding down. The Dems are spooning with socialism, and the goal of socialism is written in blood on the pages of history. The unapproved must be liquidated, and they are making no secret that you are unapproved.”

10 posted on 01/28/2019 5:16:32 AM PST by Travis McGee (
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To: Levy78

How will we / you / I explain to our grandchildren why we did little and let this country die?

“The Right isn’t organized at all. Organization is NOT a feature of the Right’s psyche like it is of the Left’s. They are collectivists by nature, we are not. Their street game is 10 fold what ours is.”

11 posted on 01/28/2019 5:16:53 AM PST by MarchonDC09122009 (When is our next march on DC? When have we had enough?)
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To: Travis McGee
Once widespread gun confiscation begins, politicians, law enforcement officials, and even news and entertainment personalities supporting the disarmament of Americans will be seen and targeted as legitimate domestic enemies.

After what happened to Roger Stone, and especially the New York bill passage that allows killing babies up to birth, I think we're a lot closer to this than waiting for them to come for our guns.

A Night of the Long Knives may be in the future.

12 posted on 01/28/2019 5:17:10 AM PST by Alas Babylon! (The media is after us. Trump's just in the way.)
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To: Travis McGee

As always, thank you!

13 posted on 01/28/2019 5:17:29 AM PST by Delmarksman (Pro 2A Anglican American (Ford and Chevy kill more people than guns do, lets ban them))
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To: Travis McGee


14 posted on 01/28/2019 5:17:36 AM PST by Pajamajan ( Pray for our nation. Thank the Lord for everything you have. Don't waiting. Do it today.)
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To: Travis McGee


15 posted on 01/28/2019 5:18:35 AM PST by wintertime (Stop treating government teachers like they are reincarnated Mother Teresas!)
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To: Travis McGee
Your essay really argues that the Fort Sumter moment needs to come soon. Every day, the Left is racing thousands of illegal alien invaders into the US as the President and the Congress remain paralyzed and unable to secure the border. Every day, the Left tries to make it more and more difficult for Conservatives to buy and retain arms and ammunition and to organize for resistance. The flash point needs to come soon.

Also, and something not covered in your posting, is that a weakened and chaotic USA will become a target for foreign enemies like China and Russia who might invade and start slicing off desirable pieces of the disintegrating country.

16 posted on 01/28/2019 5:19:35 AM PST by Truth29
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To: Travis McGee

I will have to come back to read the rest but this is the best, clearest insight to just what is going on and has been going on since at least the time when Castro was in the hills of Cuba.

After seeing all the media stories about him, this 9 year old, wanted to take my .22 single shot Remington and join him. It didn’t take long for me to change my mind after seeing what he did after he took power.

I agree with everything in this article. It states what I think just about to the period and crossed T. I just never could have said it as well.

17 posted on 01/28/2019 5:23:20 AM PST by yarddog
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To: VanDeKoik

Until the power goes out in cities, which will happen, and will ratchet the violence far beyond the Troubles. The IRA was tiny and virtually unarmed compared to what tens of millions of conservative Americans have in their gun safes today. Less than 200 “Active IRA” at any given time tied down tens of thousands of British troops for 20+ years.

In an American dirty civil war, angry farmers (to name just one aggrieved faction) across an area a thousand times larger than Northern Ireland will hold a veto power on the urban power supply.

“In short, Civil War Two will quickly become an urban versus rural conflict divided along demographic and cultural lines. This type of dirty civil war will be fought at the zip code and neighborhood level. Front lines will be vague and constantly shifting, with three or more local factions often competing for supremacy. It will be a civil war of secret arrests, disappearances, IEDs and targeted assassinations that will have many of the worst attributes of Argentina and Northern Ireland in the 1970s, or even Rwanda and former Yugoslavia in the 1990s.

“And once this vicious civil war is in full swing, the odds are high that the power grid itself will become the target of ten thousand attacks. In such a fluid crazy-quilt battlespace as an all-out dirty civil war, shared infrastructure lines will run through both friendly and enemy territory. Every faction will have a veto on their downstream enemy’s power grid and water supply. Food supplies that today are trucked from hundreds or thousands of miles away will disappear in this dangerous environment. Brainwashed Dunning-Kruger Democrats and their FACLI reinforcements might not enjoy living around evil and oppressive white devils very much today, but they are going to enjoy life without electricity, food, and clean drinking water even less. They will discover that it’s much easier to turn Minneapolis into Mogadishu than the reverse.

“What will happen inside the blue hives that are presently organized as DemSoc vote-harvesting plantations, when the EBT system collapses? When no electricity, food or water is flowing in to sustain their populations? This dystopian dynamic is likely to occur in some cities or regions earlier than in others, and this will lead to the imposition of extremely harsh measures, including martial law and food rationing in other parts of the country. Alternatively, where government control is weak, local vigilantism will become rampant.”

18 posted on 01/28/2019 5:23:43 AM PST by Travis McGee (
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To: Travis McGee

There is no safety and no freedoms in weakness! If we don’t stand for what we believe is right for people to live in this great country with all the constitution and God bestowed on us.. our weakness invites dictatorship and attempted coups.. Look at us now.. the criminals are running the country! and congress/justice/judges/wethepeople ... have not stopped it/them yet. They continue to find the innocent, guilty... they have weaponized every dept and everything they can think up, plus the media.. to go after anyone who is in their way. They have no conscience nor soul... their sport is to see how many men they can break and destroy.

We talk ... but we have not given them any reason to end their attemped take over of this country!

19 posted on 01/28/2019 5:24:20 AM PST by frnewsjunkie
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To: Travis McGee
...... the goal of socialism is written in blood on the pages of history. The unapproved
must be liquidated, and they are making no secret that you are unapproved.......

No question......they're coming after us.

20 posted on 01/28/2019 5:24:57 AM PST by Liz ( Our side has 8 trillion bullets; the other side doesn't know which bathroom to use.)
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