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News Summary-Intelligence Report Saturday 1/5/2019
Nextrush Free ^
| 1/5/2019
| Nextrush/Self
Posted on 01/05/2019 5:40:33 AM PST by Nextrush
In Paris today Act 8 of the Yellow Vests protests coming out of the holiday period with renewed vigor.....
Another Friday in Sudan meant another day of protests against that country's government.....
A protest set for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's home in Jerusalem this evening.....
3 dead and 4 wounded in a shooting incident at a bowling alley in Torrance, California, near Los Angeles.....
More meeting and talking at the White House today.....
There is no timeline for the US withdrawal from Syria. That's what the US State Department is saying....
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Conspiracy; Government; Military/Veterans; Politics
KEYWORDS: 0000000000000trash; 0000000abestnews; 000abattleofthezeros; 1of1of1of1of1of1of; belongsinchat; benjaminnetanyahu; bewareclickbaitblog; california; defineintelligence; doesnotbelongonfr; donaldtrump; emmanuelmacron; france; garbageblog; getajob; igiveyouzeroclicks; israel; isurblogmakingumoney; klikbait; knockoffthiscrap; mikepompeo; newsdumpgarbage; newsdumpisright; nosources; omaralbashir; paulwhelan; pimpmylameblog; russia; sudan; syria; trashblog; unitedkingdom; venezuela; wasteoftime; whyexcerptthisdebris; yellowvests; zeroclicksfromme
posted on
01/05/2019 5:40:33 AM PST
To: Nextrush
(Excerpt) Read more at No.
You can post your plagiarized blog stuff right here in full.
To: Nextrush
3 dead and 4 wounded in a shooting incident at a bowling alley in Torrance, California near Los Angeles. Police were called minutes before midnight, 3 am Eastern time
posted on
01/05/2019 5:48:25 AM PST
(Don't pick a fight with an old guy. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you .)
To: humblegunner
posted on
01/05/2019 6:02:06 AM PST
To: Nextrush
What are the sources for this info?
What makes this presentation unique?
What makes this presentation worthwhile?
What do I get here that I cant get elsewhere, with sources?
Are you ashamed of your blog? Is that why you excerpt it?
posted on
01/05/2019 8:02:18 AM PST
(Liberalism is a foul and nasty mental disease for which the suffers should seek professional help.)
To: Nextrush
posted on
01/05/2019 8:03:01 AM PST
(Liberalism is a foul and nasty mental disease for which the suffers should seek professional help.)
To: upchuck; humblegunner
Have you seen this clown’s intro on his about page? He really thinks he is something!! And why these blog pimp posters are even allowed here anyway is beyond my old brain to figure out.
posted on
01/05/2019 12:39:36 PM PST
(Retired up in the snowy Mountains of the American Redoubt and it's a great life!)
To: bobby.223
Yes I have visited Nextrush’s homepage. Proud of himself, isn’t he, or maybe she?
Nextrush is like Sean_Anthony: lots of posts but no replies. I guess that’s what the 1of1of1of refers to in the keyword list. Do a post and run away.
posted on
01/05/2019 4:40:04 PM PST
(Liberalism is a foul and nasty mental disease for which the suffers should seek professional help.)
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