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2056: Looking Backward from a Trump Future
Gun Watch ^
| 4 November, 2016
| Dean Weingarten
Posted on 10/08/2018 8:37:14 AM PDT by marktwain
The four decades since 2016 have seen a breathtaking restoration of the Republic of the United States of America. Looking back from 2056, the historians and pundits say it was inevitable.
The United States had enormous energy resources, an educated and ethical workforce, a history of entrepreneurial spirit. The fruits of the digital industrial age, genome processing, and robotic development were on the edge of explosion. The resurgence back from the malaise and blame America thinking of the Obama administration was certain to happen, with a wealthy, prosperous, powerful and free America the obvious result.
It wasn't that way. I was there. To use an anachronism, "America was going down". The Clinton crime machine was expected to take over the country. The establishment media were in their pocket. The Department of Justice was on their side. All the "smart' people wrote that Hillary Clinton would be the next president... and that she deserved it. The American reformation would have been strangled before it ever started, with a rope woven of political correctness, fake climate change dogma, Clinton corruption, immigrant demographics and massive media collusion with the Clinton machine.
A miracle happened to change all of that. They say that great men are made, that they rise to the occasion. That happened in the first American revolution.
George Washington was rich. He risked it all. George Washington was not as political as he was military. After the revolution was won, Washington wanted to tend to his own affairs, but was forced by events to take the Presidency.
George Washington is often referred to as America's Cincinnatus. Cincinnatus was the Roman general who was called from his estate to fight for Rome. He won the war. Then he refused to rule Rome as dictator, and went back to his farm and estate.
Donald Trump became the second American Cincinnatus. He wasn't a politician. But he could not stand by and see the country destroyed. He risked it all to go against the corrupt establishment. As with many great men, he grew with the fight. He became the indispensable man of his time. Without Trump, the Clinton crime machine would have won, or, less likely, a watered down version in Republican clothes would have taken their place. With no real reforms, the inevitable decline would, at most, have been delayed a few years until sufficient immigrants had overwhelmed the election process.
Donald Trump had unique personality traits that allowed the bloodless revolution against the corrupt American Aristocracy to succeed.
First, he was willing to fight. Because he was not a politician, he did not know that fighting by Republicans was "not allowed" under the rules of political correctness. In the prosperous and free 2050's, it is hard to imagine how tightly censored American thought was in the 2010's. Conservatives were not allowed to speak on campus. Social Justice Warriors infested the Net and destroyed peoples' lives on mere suspicion of the "miss-use" of forbidden political speech. Constitutionalists were defined as proto-terrorists.
Second, Trump was a known performer, entrepreneur, writer and celebrity with a base of admirers. That base, on new social media, allowed his thoughts to evade and escape the control of establishment media censorship.
Third, Trump had always been a solid supporter of the military and police. The Obama administration and the Clintons made a grave strategic error by despising the military. In the two years before the 2016 election, the propaganda against the police was non-stop.
Trump's willingness to fight, his stand against illegal immigration, and his media presence are what won the Republican nomination. In the general election the entire American Aristocracy, including the establishment media, the Republican leadership, the government bureaucratic leadership, and the Democrat party, were allied against him. They claimed he could not win.
The new media on the Internet and talk radio made it a fight. Trump could get his message of an American restoration (Make America Great Again), to half the population. His message resonated with Americans who had learned to distrust the corrupt media.
James O'Keefe and Project Veritas released video on Youtube showing the Democratic party and the Clintons using dirty, illegal tricks and plotting voter fraud. Wikileaks released emails hacked from the Clinton machine. The media responded with an all out attack on Trump's character. They almost succeeded.
Link to Video with Julian Assange of Wikileaks
The balance was tipped by a patriotic and eclectic group of police and federal law enforcement officers, centered in the FBI and the NYPD. In the following years, thousands of agents and officers claimed to have been involved. We may never know the numbers for certain. It appears that less than a hundred were the core group. They understood that the Clinton crime machine and its tentacles had already compromised many in the top levels of government. They had witnessed how the compromised DOJ had been politicized and used to cover-up high level corruption.
What could they do? The Fast and Furious scandal showed how little whistle blowers were protected, and how effectively the establishment media was able to spin, deflect, and spike any revelations of misconduct. There had been no punishment for the politicization of the IRS. The lack of punishment showed the essential impotency of the Republican House and Senate.
Donald Trump became these law officers' last chance to save the Republic. The American Republic was set up to facilitate the bloodless transfer of power. The officers could not act while President Obama was in office. Their careers would have been destroyed to no effect. If they waited until Hillary was elected, their situation would have been worse. If any other Republican were elected, the unwritten rules of the American Aristocracy would prevent them from doing anything effective. The Republican would simply be another face of a corrupt establishment.
Trump offered a revolutionary chance. There was a narrow window of opportunity to stop the Clinton campaign. Expose the Clinton corruption, allow truth to elect an outsider, and the corruption could be rooted out under a Trump administration that had promised to "Drain the Swamp" in Washington, D.C.
Trump had a record as a reliable supporter of the military and police. His reputation stood in stark contrast to that of President Obama and the Clintons.
A different Democrat might have beaten Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton was uniquely vulnerable to being exposed as corrupt.
Any other Republican but Donald Trump would not have offered the radical change necessary to alter the course of the nation. The candidate had to be someone who could destroy the corrupt media stranglehold on information flow.
The Clinton - Trump contest offered the knife edge chance of a reformation of the American political system.
The patriots acted. It may be they who were responsible for the transfer of data to Wikileaks. The historical record is unclear. The Wikileaks data set the table for the later, critical revelations. The establishment media did their best to ignore the evidence. They concentrated on pushing emotional, unsubstantiated attacks against Donald Trump.
The idea that 95% of establishment media coverage was directed against Donald Trump seems preposterous today. It was known at the time,and has been confirmed by numerous academic, historical studies.
FBI Director Comey had followed the obvious desires of the Obama administration, and declared that the investigation by the FBI of the Hillary Clinton email scandal was over, with no indictment, in early July of 2016. The entire establishment media and American Aristocracy cheered and declared that Hillary Clinton was "cleared". By early October, the American Aristocracy were declaring that Hillary Clinton had already won. The three debates were a draw.
Then, Project Veritas videos and Wikileaks releases stopped the Clinton campaign momentum.
Donald Trump continued to campaign with enthusiasm, energy, and constantly improving discipline and message. You could see him grow into his role from day to day. He fought against the frivolous character attacks. He started to close the gap shown in increasingly distrusted voter polls.
At eleven days before the election, the patriot agents and officers decided the time was right. FBI director Comey was forced to announce the investigations of the Clintons had been re-opened. The establishment media could not ignore the FBI director. They had lionized him scant months before, so the attacks on his character rang hollow.
Huma Abedin, Hillary's right hand woman, her most trusted confidant, aide, and constant companion for over 20 years, was implicated. She and Hillary were separated. The Hillary campaign began to falter. A few Democrats called for Hillary Clinton to step down. The Hillary Campaign staffers did not know who to trust, who might be turning states evidence, or who was cutting a deal. The Clintons' most loyal media operatives had been exposed in the Wikileaks data. The campaign could not control the narrative.
Allegations and evidence of widespread crimes in the Clinton campaign, Clinton Foundation, and Clinton's term as Secretary of State mounted daily. Attempts by President Obama to deny the obvious were futile.
Donald Trump won in a landslide. His coattails increased the majorities in both the House and the Senate. He showed Republicans how to overcome the establishment media that had controlled the debate for decades.
Obamacare was repealed and replaced with market based reforms and Health Saving Accounts. The Great Southern Wall was built. In two decades, the United States had assimilated most legal immigrants. Half became reliable conservatives. Twenty five percent of black voters became Republican.
The biggest effect was on the Supreme Court. In President Trump's two terms, three young "Justice Scalias" were confirmed, giving originalist justices a solid 6-3 majority, the first originalist majority since the 1930's. President Pence appointed three more.
Following President Trump's appointments, the Second Amendment became fully enforced. Affirmative action was struck down as being unequal justice under the law. The voting rights act was reformed to insure the integrity of the vote. "Gay Marriage" was reversed. Religious freedom under First Amendment decisions led to a restoration of freedom of association. The unconstitutional power of the EPA was overturned. The reach of the Federal government's power under "interstate commerce" was reduced. The freedom of political speech in church was restored.
A radical reduction of federal regulations, and tax reforms, spurred a plethora of innovative production. The economy boomed as overseas capital flooded into a United States that was business friendly and safe.
It took 30 years to overcome the debt accumulated during the spending spree of the Obama regime, but the buy down was manageable in a rapidly expanding economy.
Europe, with the leadership of the United States, reformed NATO to contain the Islamic threat. The danger of a nuclear Iran was mitigated as the Ayatollahs were overthrown by a popular revolt. The launch of a single nuclear missile toward Israel was detonated in mid flight. Mounting Islamic terrorism resulted in nation after European nation outlawing Sharia Law as an ideology incompatible with human rights. Muslim "refugees" who would not denounce Sharia law were repatriated to North Africa or the Middle East.
It seems so inevitable in hindsight, with the United States as the sole superpower, leading the world in a pax Americana. Three profitable private space travel companies offer trips to orbital hotels. There is a base on the moon. Crime levels have dropped to those of the 1950's. Alzheimer's is becoming rare. There is a burgeoning world wide renewal of churches. American prosperity has increased as has the standard of living all over the globe.
In the fall of 2016, with the pivotal election approaching, it did not seem inevitable. Patriots altered between the edge of despair, and hope. The end of the Republic seemed very, very close, teetering toward banana republic status. Trump support was strong, but of unknown quantity. The legendary "deplorables" worked hard. Would it be enough? The tension was stark.
Wikileaks and Project Veritas, bolstered by the small group of patriots and freedom fighters in the FBI and the NYPD, tipped the balance.
It was not an historical inevitability. It was an historical pivot that was far, far too close for comfort. We owe our prosperity, freedom, and power to the patriots that supported, defended, and ultimately, elected Donald Trump. He was a man for his time.
©2016 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice is included.
Link to Gun Watch
TOPICS: Government; Politics; Society
KEYWORDS: 2018election; 2020election; 2056; 2ndamendment; abortion; banglist; brettkavanaugh; election2018; election2020; future; maga; neilgorsuch; nra; president; projectveritas; scotus; secondamendment; trump; wikileaks
In this post from nearly two years ago, I predicted President Trump would have two terms and appoint "three young Scalias" to the Supreme Court.
Two have been appointed so far.
It was not a landslide, but much of the prediction is holding up well.
posted on
10/08/2018 8:37:14 AM PDT
To: marktwain
With six years left, I think he might appoint three additional folks (Breyer, Thomas, RBG).
To: marktwain
So we have already almost 2 years of the 8
Expect as much WIN in each of the following sets of 3 for 2 years each as in the first 2 years.
Sets the launching pad for 46.
Dims and DS demolished.
posted on
10/08/2018 8:42:08 AM PDT
(TrumpÂ’s building an underground railroad - a way off the plantation to freedom, jobs, and dignity)
To: pepsionice
By that point, most lib heads will have popped or they’ll have moved their deviant lame asses to someplace else. Well, at least threatened to move. Which is typical of their kind. Promises made, promises NOT kept! Think ‘Great Society’. Thanks to Dean for his post.
posted on
10/08/2018 8:43:01 AM PDT
(Enlisted in the Navy in '67 to protect folks rights to strip my rights. WTH?)
To: marktwain
Lib heads a poppin’. If we thought the Kavanaugh ordeal was a circus, just wait until darth bader ginsteen has to leave the bench. We have NOT seen all the stops pulled out yet. Thanks Dean.
posted on
10/08/2018 8:44:59 AM PDT
(Enlisted in the Navy in '67 to protect folks rights to strip my rights. WTH?)
To: marktwain
What prisons did Hillary and Obama die in?
posted on
10/08/2018 8:56:29 AM PDT
To: pepsionice
I will be sad to see Justice Thomas go. He might not always be on the side of “conservatives” but he’s always on the side of the constitution.
posted on
10/08/2018 9:37:01 AM PDT
(You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality. Ayn Rand)
To: marktwain; AdmSmith; AnonymousConservative; Arthur Wildfire! March; Berosus; Bockscar; cardinal4; ..
posted on
10/08/2018 9:51:31 AM PDT
(and btw --
To: marktwain
I hope this scenario or something like plays out. However, I have a more pessimistic view. The GOP will hold the Senate in 2018, but narrowly lose the House. This will bring an unending series of investigations and constant threats of impeachment. Ruth Bader Ginsberg will die or become incapacitated in 2019 unleashing violent protests against Trumps nominee. These protests will be violent riots in major cities with looting and burning worse than in 1968. I expect groups like Antifa will carry out acts of terrorism and even political assassinations. Trump will respond forcefully even to the point of bringing up US troops to restore order. Obama will use the unrest to create a shadow government, claiming Trump was never legitimately elected and call for UN peacekeepers to restore order and restore him to the White House. The threat of foreign troops under a UN flag will unleash a huge negative reaction and the protestors and rioters will be cut down in the streets and thousands rounded up and tried for sedition including prominent politicians and media. It will be our second civil war., but our Constitution will be restored and by 2056 the US will again be at peace.
posted on
10/08/2018 9:53:17 AM PDT
The Great RJ
("Socialists are happy until they run out of other people's money." Margaret Thatcher)
To: marktwain
“At eleven days before the election, the patriot agents and officers decided the time was right. FBI director Comey was forced to announce the investigations of the Clintons had been re-opened. The establishment media could not ignore the FBI director. They had lionized him scant months before, so the attacks on his character rang hollow.
Huma Abedin, Hillary’s right hand woman, her most trusted confidant, aide, and constant companion for over 20 years, was implicated. She and Hillary were separated. The Hillary campaign began to falter. A few Democrats called for Hillary Clinton to step down. The Hillary Campaign staffers did not know who to trust, who might be turning states evidence, or who was cutting a deal. The Clintons’ most loyal media operatives had been exposed in the Wikileaks data. The campaign could not control the narrative.”
This did make a difference. It certainly wasn’t everything - Trump didn’t change who he was or how he campaigned because of it, nor did the majority of those who KNEW that Hillary and the entire Clinton machine was corrupt suddenly come to that revelation when the news about Huma’s laptop became public...but it blunted any momentum that Hillary might have had and moved it to Trump’s corner.
That Weingarten called this a miracle is, IMHO, completely accurate. Trump was an outsider, kept saying things that “you just can’t say” in politics, had a bunch of big movers and shakers in his own party against him, had the entire media against him, etc. - and still won through hard work, sheer guts and a few miracles here and there that may not ever be able to be pinpointed by us mere humans. Trump is very clearly, again IMHO, a tool being used by God to restore the greatest force for good in human history to a place of strength and prestige, in order to further His mission for us. Though he is imperfect in many ways (just like the rest of us), for this particular job he is just about as perfect as they come. We NEEDED someone to be a bull in a china shop, to come in and destroy all of the corruption and drive out the kleptocrats.
It will be interesting to see how this all works out - and a month from now will be every bit as critical as 2 years ago was. Either the Republicans wipe the floor with the Dems (particularly in the Senate - just keeping the House will be fine), or everything will stop dead in its tracks for at least 2 more years. I personally think that the timing of Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings, and the vileness displayed by the Dems in opposing him was also pushed along with some help from above - so as to wake up the fence-sitters of the American electorate regarding the stakes in this upcoming election. As it looks now, the R’s will likely win 5 or so seats in the Senate, and maybe lose 5-10 in the House. Such would be a great victory, paving the way for an even bigger one in 2020.
Of course, like ALL miracles, we humans are required to do all that we can humanly do for ourselves before He decides whether or not we are deserving of a miracle - so not only should we all get out there and vote, we should also get others to come along who would otherwise have stayed home.
posted on
10/08/2018 10:00:01 AM PDT
("The right to buy weapons is the right to be free." A. E. van Vogt, The Weapons Shops of Isher)
To: SpaceBar
posted on
10/08/2018 1:37:05 PM PDT
Big Red Badger
(Despised by the Despicable!)
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