“Instead, the House is leaving Thursday for a five-week recess and it’s unclear whether conservatives will attempt to force the issue when lawmakers return in September.”
Not a minute too soon....
RINOcrat kabuki!
What am I missing? Why can’t Trump just fire him? He’s an appointed member of the executive branch, not an elected official - I believe his employment can be terminated at any time by either his boss, Jeff Sessions, or the head of the executive branch, Donald Trump. Why is there any need to impeach this guy?
Blah, blah, blah . . .
Rosenstein deserves to be fired for his signing of the FISA warrant with the false dossier as the basis. What an idiot he is. Can him.
Turley just said Rosenweasel could be held in contempt....but we have all seen that those held in contempt have nothing but contempt for our laws. Or they wouldnt have behaved the way they did to begin with. Impeachment is the only way to get the info they need.....and it wont come before the next election. Thats what the left is betting on......running out the clock until they can get control and make all the criminality of the Leftgo away. I am appalled that our country is at this crossroads. Hopefully there are still enough Patriots in this country to counter the voting fraud that will be the Dems MO this November.
Meadows/Jordan to appear with Laura Ingraham on Fox tonight at 10:20 pm et to discuss their effort to impeach Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
Wake me when you need a hammer man for the gallows on the commons.
Excellent. Even if the establishment Repukes refuse to back up Meadows and Jordan it shows there are at least some congressmen with a backbone who will not let Rosenweasel and his fellow deep state rats continue to stonewall Congress with impunity.
Not to you EPU, but the story. Big bag of bullshit. The repubes are a cowardis bunch.
Not to you EPU, but the story. Big bag of bullshit. The repubes are a cowardice bunch.
Excellent!!! Bet Rosenweasel blows a gasket! His temper is legendary. Anyone got a link to the articles?
(boy, the negative loser brigade is already infesting this thread.)
6 months over due. Removing Rosenstein would be interesting. If he is replaced by a competent conservative at DOJ, then Trump could fire Sessions, and it wouldn’t matter if the GOP-e did not approve his replacement. The Deputy acting as AG would suffice.
Guillotine for Rosenweasel ...