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To: Windflier

You’re implying that the government can slowly confiscate hundreds of millions of firearms without raising suspicion, or provoking a response from the people?

No offense, but that’s illogical at best, and some kind of paranoid delusion at worst.


They can do anything they want with the power of the press on their side and cooperation from social media.

Yes, it’s going to come off as some kind of paranoid delusion when you read it, but they can go around and target the most radical people first. Their will be incidents of course, but most people wont hear about them, and if they do, they will get the press to present the incidents as fanatical right wingers going off the deep end.

If you don’t think that can happen, ask yourself if you would have believed it if you were told 3 years ago that the democrats could install a special council that would hound a president for years with an investigation based off fake news russia influence after you knew everything about everything that hillary had already gotten away with without so much as a finger lifted to investigate.

Stoneman Douglas has already demonstrated that the population is willing to accept a narrative about events that absolve those negligent and actually point blame at fault against groups of people who’ve had nothing to do with it and with a broad brush create guilt by contrived association.

45 posted on 05/14/2018 12:05:15 PM PDT by z3n
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To: z3n
...they can go around and target the most radical people first. Their will be incidents of course, but most people wont hear about them, and if they do, they will get the press to present the incidents as fanatical right wingers going off the deep end.

You're just raving now. The scenario you envision isn't possible in this, or any alternate universe.

Can you wrap your head around the the number 1,000,000? That's one million. For perspective, dividing that number by 365 (days) works out to 2,739 years, which is over 700 years before the birth of Christ.

Now try to wrap your head around the number 150,000,000. That's the number of American gun owners, which works out to over 400,000 years, if each person represents a single day.

Are you beginning to get a sense of the scale of what we're talking about?

If you've got even a modicum of active logic circuits in your brain, it's easy to see that it's not possible to confiscate the legal weapons from so many millions of people.

Sorry. Can't be done.

48 posted on 05/14/2018 12:51:35 PM PDT by Windflier (Pitchforks and torches ripen on the vine. Left too long, they become black rifles.)
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To: z3n; Windflier
Sadly, I believe z3n is right about this. To see how far gone the "Americans" are, just look at how many of them associate the words "right-wing" with "extremist" (or "fanatical"). To even accept the word-association as one's own requires a psychic beholdenness to Big Brother.

I leave it to you to wonder who I mean by the term "Americans" with scare-quotes. My feelings about straight-up Americans are different, but we need to realize the difference between the rousing civic myths and the lived reality of the United States in our lifetimes. It's so easy to be a tunnel-visioned rat-racer, what with the psychological effects of TV, public schooling, and (arguably) post-neighborhood suburbias... It's a mass-scale zombie mindset, and that is what surrounds us.

I think it's perfectly fine to mentally dis-associate from the rousing civic myths that powered the optimistic America of the 1950s (no scare quotes there). We live amid "Americans," not Americans. Our path ahead begins when we identify with people of sound mind and knowledge of history and leave the "Americans" to their fate. They love Big Brother, let them have Big Brother.

66 posted on 05/14/2018 9:31:34 PM PDT by Mmmike
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