Posted on 02/02/2018 7:27:10 PM PST by Morgana
Father Of 3 Girls Touched By Olympic Doctor Larry Nassar Rushed Him As He Sat In Court!
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Thank you Tommy
You do want to see this, Tommy at his best
Guilt for not protecting the girls from the Dr. Where was the dad when it was going down?
And, on that topic, children will complain about everything from the bad school lunch to the number of laps the coach made them run. How was it that out of 150 girls supposedly touched, none of them said a word to their parents?
They better not charge the father with ANYTHING!!!!
While you shouldn’t assault people in court or outside of it, I UNDERSTAND WHY the man did what he did, you would have to be an inhuman monster to not think about doing the exact same thing.
Another vid at that link said they aren’t going to charge the father with anything.
Hope that’s the case
I heard that too. Personally I wish they’d let him beat the man to a pulp.
Least of Larry’s problems. Child molesters don’t last long in prison.
This is why some females don’t tell. If they have a good caring father he could wind up in jail over his rage so the daughter carries the perp’s baggage all through her life to save her own father.
The judge said that due to the circumstances behind this entire sordid mess she would not charge the father.
On TV, it was reported that the father will not be punished.
Unfortunate that the father was not packing heat. Putting a couple of rounds (or 6) into that dirt bag perp is the sentence he deserves for ruining so many lives.
There was a guy a few years back that jumped the railing in court and tried to get at the bastard that had sexually assaulted his little son.
While the Bailifs where trying to restrain him, his brother jumped over and whipped up on the assaulter big time.
The security guards should have been really slow to respond. They should have acted in slow motion just enough to let the father get at the guy and at least take a few swings at him.
You sound like the cops who sided with the ‘respected’ doctor rather than the child victim back in 2004. But at least the cops have now apologized, while you continue to defend a child molester.
A guy did that while the news cameras rolled in Baton Rouge some years ago. (Looked it up - 1984). 5 years probation.
Because of their great loyalty to their sport, which was their whole life at that point, and to their esteemed and famous team doctor, who was God 2 to them. You don’t go and tattle on god.
To what degree was it enabled by “If you say anything, your family’s dream of you in the Olympics disappears”? Like Hollywood child/teen sex abuse, it is enabled by people staying silent in the hope of hitting it big.
It didn't hurt my mental association that Russell Margraves was wearing a union sweatshirt, but I quickly realized what's been bothering me about the usual FR reaction to this story.
You readers will remember multiple assaults and other violence against Trump supporters at rallies and other events. Yes, of course there's a clear difference between the victims of leftist violence and people who have been convicted of sex crimes, and you readers may be thinking "of course there's a difference here." But there's probably a good number of people out in our world who think that leftist violence is perfectly understandable under the circumstances of having an EVIL FASCIST PRESIDENT!!!11!, even if "people shouldn't do it." I'm not convinced of a perfectly clear line between the two forms of violence, especially in the minds of the unstable, unreflective, and deluded.
Impossible is more like it. Have you ever been to court? Youd be lucky to get an oversized belt buckle through the security screening.
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