Fox News was even more sickening during the evening with their parade of empty-headed, cookie-cutter news babes denigrating "white" nationalists and slyly getting in snarky digs at President Trump at every opportunity.
With some exceptions such as Hannity, Judge Jeanine, Dobbs, Fox is henceforth a network non grata with me.
Lots of Fox News talking heads are part of the DC Swamp.
If one is against multi-culturism, against cheap imported labor, for border tax, against foreign nation building, then the swamp considers one a non-grata.
With all that, other cable news is far worse.
One thing I like to know: Is it the producers own opinion we are being spoon fed? And are we just been fed what that persons personally private opinions is, which leads to the memory of Hitler’s propagandas just leading the Germans astray. The RATs reminds me very much coming out of madman Hitler’s mouth. No less -— no more but unadulterated garbage. It’s a form of faked news the snowflakes sucking in. Protest dressed in pink image of a pimp vaginas.
Give me a break, most childish ever seen at a protest and that’s all they got. ROFLMAO