I remember when they called “W” a “dangerous Christian” because of the white house bible studies.
I thought, what a complement!!!!
Good, that’ll put evangelicals, charismatics, conservative catholics, orthodox Christians and jews further into his corner.
The MSM is the Country’s greatest threat.
The MSM is largely owned and controlled by Disney, Comcast, Viacom, and soon AT&T. Don’t pay these companies to piss in your shoes.
Methinks they protesteth too much...
Let them smear away. They reveal their true nature with every action they take.
If Bible studies are wrong I don’t want to be right. The Bible speaks of mockers at length. That is what this is IMO.
Instead of ‘queuing up’ i read ‘queering up’
Well, they are certain queer over there in MSM land.
certain = certainly
It's also worth noting that safety in numbers is also at play. Moldylocks wrote of fear before heading out to Berkeley (where she got clocked) but she was comforted by the (alleged) numbers of equally-deranged secularists (who also got clocked).
In early January, a story came out that Kellyanne Conway reportedly took Donald Trump to meet Father George Rutler, the Anglican convert priest and pastor of the Church of St. Michael in Mahattan, who blessed the future president just days before his election.
Fr. Rutler is not just some average priest. He is one of the best homilists I've ever heard in the Catholic Church, a very pious man, a wonderful confessor, and not someone who will lob in softballs. I would NOT be surprised if this had some impact on President Trump, and it could have solidified his trust in Bannon as well. Indeed, it's worth nothing that Fr. Rutler released an an awesome piece on Trump's Warsaw speech.
The Bible study story scares them because God has changed the hearts of men with more "locker room talk" under their belt than Trump..."could there be more converts behind Trump?" I believe, in part, this is why Trump and his retinue keep using rallies to remind we Deplorables that, indeed, there's more of us than them - and our numbers keep growing - and to not despair.
Our steadfast and visible defense of all that is good and right is a partial antidote to this social virus. Everyone wants to win, and one can only hope that further winning will help turn misguided souls to our side.
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Bible Study Returns to White House as Trump Cabinet Members Attend Weekly Meetings
Remember that the Democrats, on national TV, publicly rejected God from their party platform 3 times during the 2012 national convention.
There should be no question on whose side the Democrats are. Unless you affirm you support abortion and homosexuality you cannot run as a candidate in their party.
So what?
Just who is this person who's such an expert on how exactly the Bible is best to be studied?