Posted on 05/14/2017 5:21:02 AM PDT by RArtfulogerDodger
We are still building an Islamic museum and sanctuary, says the shady developer behind the Ground Zero Mosque scheme, Sharif El-Gamal.
An Islamic sanctuary is a mosque. The article adds: An Islamic museum is just as much of an insult, Pamela Geller, a blogger and one of the centers most vocal opponents, wrote in an email. It will be like having a museum touting the glories of the Japanese Empire at Pearl Harbor.
This is what I actually told the New York Times: The 16-story mosque that El-Gamal initially planned to build there has not been built. Our efforts in showing what an insult it was to the American people and to the victims of 9/11, and how many Muslims worldwide would inevitably view it as a triumphal mosque built on the site of a jihad attack, defeated it. Now El-Gamal plans an Islamic Museum, which is just as much of an insult; it will be like having a Museum touting the glories of the Japanese Empire at Pearl Harbor. A genuine Islamic Museum that detailed the 1,400-year history of jihad warfare, cultural annihilation, land appropriation and enslavement would be appropriate at that location, but El-Gamals museum is certain to be a whitewash of the doctrine and history of jihad and a paean to imaginary Muslim contributions to various important inventions and achievements.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Islam is evil and needs to be eradicated
This can’t be happening.
How about an open window through which they can shove gays in honor of their subhuman savage “religion”?
.. And what do the victims get? They get two dirty holes in the ground that looks like a sewage treatment plant. I use to work right next to a sewage treatment plant in Greenpoint Brooklyn, Kingsland ave and it looked just like this...
I think it was a week after 911 Trump said the WTC should be rebuilt only a story higher, that "If the statue of liberty was destroyed, you don't build the Eiffel tower to take its place" and he was exactly right. There is no honor at ALL at this memorial, it is an insult to every last person who died there. The Islamic terrorists had these goals to destroy the World trade center and the Pentagon. The Pentagon is rebuilt yet the WTC is still destroyed.
Should never be allowed....ever!!
There will be a plank on the upper story for gays to walk and a special landing pad on the ground ‘landing area’ - additional plans are being drawn up for the more expensive suits to have viewing balconies with transparent glass bottoms and live ground landing feeds built in. These shady muslim guys are pure genius and think of everything.
Fox is rumored to be in the bidding with MSNBC and Al Jazeera for television rights
They never, ever give up. And this guy is one of the worst. The Times keeps writing the people who are against this are not locals but Pam is a local as are many others, including myself. That particular area is not overly residential, anyway. The street, actually, is a bit of a dump.
I always thought the towers should have been built back. Of course, what we have now does soar over the skyline - especially that great view when you approach the Holland Tunnel.
El-Gamal is a shifty eyed crook and so is the evil little weasel Feisal Abdul Rauf who pushed the first GZM.
But Comrade de Blasio is mayor now, not Rudolf Guiliani. Even money as to whether the Mohammedans get their in-your-face-infidels tower of Islamic power.
And don’t forget evil drawf and sharia-compliant Bloomberg who originally pushed for the mosque.
Sadly I do not think USA will survive. It is overrun by enemies domestic.
Sadly I do not think USA will survive. It is overrun by enemies domestic.
Logic and common sense are gone.
Trump has always been on the side of logic and common sense (re the WTC as an example), but if he can’t make a dent...
Our taxes go to our officials who want to protect illegals who’ve been convicted of serious crimes over us. And of course protect the rest of illegals. Our food banks are to feed illegals. No free service dares even ASK if you are legally here.
Islamists wipe out 3000 of us in one day, and try to destroy our country, and we build them a monument?? What ghastly disrespect.
Unless it details centuries worth of Muslim aggression and conquest, that the Crusades were defensive wars against same (and it’s a darn shame they didn’t keep going!), and that Islam is inherently bad it’s nothing but Islamic propaganda ... so of course the PCdiots will love it.
The disrespect comes from our powers that be. If they told Mohammedans to GFY like Giuliani did in 2001, the battle would be evenly joined.
Nothing left to do as individuals but take up our weapons and make Islamists really fear death if they anger us further. This isn’t Germany or France. This is still the America that made Yamamoto hesitate.
I fear our freedom will die after the next big attack and no one bats an eye.
“The Pentagon is rebuilt yet the WTC is still destroyed. “
The Pentagon is a government building, where as WTC is privatized. WTC owners can do whatever they want.
‘In 1998, the Port Authority decided to privatize the World Trade Center, leasing the buildings to a private company to manage, and awarded the lease to Silverstein Properties in July 2001.’
If we suffer another big attack by islamicists, it will be telling. EITHER WE RISE UP AS A PEOPLE AND CLAIM ISLAM AN ENEMY or we wither.
Once we claim Islam and those who practice it as full enemies of a free country, things may happen.
1. We need to have oversight into all mosques here, even while we let them have freedom to worship.
2. No Muslim tourism or student visas. From any country. Own this “racism.” If you aren’t already a citizen you arent getting in. You guys are trying to destroy us and we are not suicidal.
3. Wait for either backlash or understanding from the world’s Muslim countries. We are still very powerful. If they start coming round and wishing to actually aid us in eradicating the RADICALS amongst them, we can talk. As the world together eradicates all caliphate seeking violent islamists, we can relax our anti Muslim laws.
#3 will force the world’s Muslim population to choose between a New Non Violent Islam or annihilation.
port authority privatized by leasing? how does that change ownership? a lease is not owning.
Gee, I hope it doesn’t burn down. Maybe by some Yankee firebug
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