Posted on 02/26/2017 4:28:20 PM PST by 2ndDivisionVet
NEW ORLEANS At 75, Deacon John Moore considers himself one of the lucky ones: The scion of three generations of music-making Creoles, hes been able to sustain himself with his guitar, raise a family, buy a house. Most other musicians here, he says, arent so fortunate.
Hes tooling around the streets of Treme one of the nations oldest black neighborhoods and the birthplace of jazz in his ancient Volvo, pointing out all the gentrified houses, the ones with the jacked up rents. Everybody wants to live here now, he said.
New Orleans is enjoying a renaissance 12 years after being devastated by Hurricane Katrina. It took in $7 billion in tourism dollars in 2015, and the citys famed music scene was a big reason for the draw.
But New Orleans, like much of the rest of the country, also has an affordable housing crisis costs here have jumped 50 percent since 2000. As a result, many of the musicians tourists flock to see are forced to do the double-ZIP code thing: live outside the city and parachute in for gigs.
If you dont get musicians and cultural artists affordable housing and rents, its going to have a negative impact on the cultural economy, said Moore, who is president of the local musicians union. Were going to kill the goose that laid the golden egg.
The citys effort to house its creative class is a struggle playing out around the country. As urban rents skyrocket and wages stagnate, musicians and artists increasingly are being displaced. Many make do in substandard housing, such as Oaklands Ghost Ship, where 36 people died in a December fire.
In New Orleans, Nashville, New York and Austin, Texas, the arts and entertainment scene is a big part of the tourist equation and the local economy. But a thriving arts community is important to other cities, too. Research has shown that the arts can give them a competitive edge, spur economic development, create jobs, foster community pride and entice millennial workers.
But city officials face a conundrum: How do you stimulate and preserve your citys culture when artists and musicians can no longer afford to live there?
Several cities are experimenting with ways to keep the creative class from getting priced out and with programs that go beyond the federal low-income housing tax credit that gives private developers an incentive to create low-income housing in exchange for a dollar-for-dollar reduction in the developers tax burden.
In June, New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu announced a five-year housing plan, pledging to build or preserve 7,500 affordable housing units, including workforce housing units for service workers, artists and culture bearers, who may require a deeper housing subsidy. In April, construction started on the Bell Artspace Campus, an ambitious, $37 million space for the citys musicians and artists to live and work in. The project is funded through a combination of tax credits, philanthropic dollars and city subsidies.
In March, the Austin City Council voted to explore developments that would cater to Austins artistic community with integrated affordable housing and creative workspace. In December 2015, in an effort to make housing more affordable and discourage gentrification, the council voted to more than double the percentage of tax revenue that goes to the citys housing trust fund.
Meanwhile, in Nashville, a new program targeted for creative professionals allows low- to moderate-income artists to take out low-interest loans to purchase property, rehab existing structures or build new buildings to live and work in.
In New York City, Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio announced plans in 2015 to provide 1,500 affordable housing units for artists and musicians by 2025. The program will be financed through funding from city agencies and private donors.
Dallas also has plans to create an arts district that would provide affordable housing and workspace for creative professionals and their families, as does the Texas city of Plano. In Baltimore and Montgomery County, Md., there also are plans in the works for subsidized housing for artists.
In the wake of the Oakland fire, California legislators are working on legislation that could address the affordable housing crisis there.
The smartest cities acknowledge that in many respects, theyre in competition for energy, for investments, for young families, for their tax base, said Craig Watson, director of the California Arts Council.
The arts have historically been a way for cities to stand out, he said. And because artists are frequently living at or near the poverty level, government-subsidized housing is one way to ensure they dont end up homeless or leave the city.
Cities should not sit passively by and lose their artists because theyve failed to address the very real concerns that artists have, Watson said.
But city efforts to boost affordable housing can go only so far, said Elisha Harig-Blaine, who works on housing issues for the National League of Cities. Municipal budgets are straining to keep up with rising costs in public safety and infrastructure, he said, while federal investments in cities have declined.
Some states, such as California, are stepping in to help, Harig-Blaine said, but the demand for affordable housing is far outpacing the supply.
Another factor that may complicate state efforts to provide affordable housing for artists: President Donald Trumps proposed tax and budget cuts.
This could put a chill on the development of housing because of the uncertainty, Watson said.
Perhaps no city needs to figure out how to house its artists like New Orleans.
Before Katrina, a house would rent for as little as $500 in the city, although some of the housing was substandard. After Katrina, the city demolished 15,000 blighted housing units. The median rent for a one-bedroom is now $1,000, a 21 percent increase since 2012. Nearly a third of the citys renters now spend more than 50 percent of their income on rent.
Meanwhile, wages for musicians stalled. A 2012 study by the now-defunct nonprofit Sweet Home New Orleans found that the average musician in the city pulled in less than $18,000 a year. In the early days post-Katrina, there was a concerted effort to woo musicians back: Native sons Harry Connick Jr. and Branford Marsalis, with the help of Habitat for Humanity, created the Musicians Village, a complex of 72 single-family homes, five elder-friendly duplexes, a toddler park and a musicians center.
The project was intended to boost home-buying among musicians. But many musicians didnt have the credit to qualify, said Fred Johnson Jr., CEO of the New Orleans Neighborhood Development Foundation.
A handful of affordable housing projects for artists and others have cropped up, including loftlike apartments carved out of abandoned warehouses or blighted grocery stores, such as the Ashe Cultural Arts Center in Central City. A loft that might cost $1,100 on the open market would go for about $427 to $603 at Ashe, depending on the tenants income, according to Carol Bebelle, the centers executive director. The project was funded through tax credits and loans.
Some developers, such as Bebelle, say they are committed to maintaining their artist housing at below-market rates for more than the required 15 years.
We were given a challenge because of that disaster, said Bebelle, who also is a poet. Were getting a chance to do a do-over. Theres not another city in the country thats been given that opportunity. We need to do a great job.
Why....are these folks getting a break?
A rather pleasant ruse to force taxpayers to pay for a permanent Democrat voting majority.
Even better, they get federal money to exclude people.
Thought that was called segregation and discrimination in housing.
They run the scam here in California: The Tannery in Santa Cruz is just a flophouse for the supporters of the local Rat machine. The “artists” can qualify with crayon pictures. One of the “artists” kidz raped and murdered one of the girls in the complex, dumped her in a dumpster. He goes on trial this week.
Great use of tax dollars, huh?
Was it in Oakland, CA, recently, that an artists’ hive worked out so well?
affordable housing = somebody else pays
I’m an artist too. I can spell my name in the snow. Cursive no less. Big letters.
I wish I could do art, but I have been cursed with actual useful skills that contribute in their small way to the advancement of human knowledge. But feel free to tax the f$&&)( out of my labor to pay people to create something that nobody in the real world just do not value enough to pay for.
Didn't turn out so well
Yes, it’s very important that America’s cities keep their artists! Because that’s the main problem facing those cities. They don’t have enough artists!
State and local governments provide lots of incentives to businesses to locate in their jurisdiction with they hope that their presence will lead to higher employment and higher tax revenues.
Those incentives are always a bad idea.
Incentives are always a bad idea if they are for an Apple campus, a Ford auto factory or a community for artists.
> Those incentives are always a bad idea. <
Right you are. Studies have shown that these incentives don’t bring any new money in. All they do is shuffle around the money that is already there.
But don’t bother telling that to the Central Planners. They know everything.
I can't visualize Jack Kerouac or Jackson Pollock living and working in the Bell Artspace Campus. But if a person can qualify by calling themselves an artist the place will fill up fast.
I’m an artist also. I work in various mediums such as ruby, java, CSS, JSON, etc. Where’s my subsidy.
In yellow ink?
Why....are these folks getting a break?
Because the world can’t have enough smear-chocolate-on-their-bodies Lesbos.
You’re in!
Actually, since they accepted federal tax dollars to build the place, they have to accept any “qualified” applicant - i.e. Section 8 qualified.
They didn’t talk about that. But all the deadbeats heard about it. They actually would administer the art test to them, but it didn’t matter. They had to be let in.
So 30% of their “art colony” is actually just the usual parasite class: being subsidized to live on the beach. In order to get section 8 around here, the place is inspected (by the local government, not the feds). I’ve got a rental house - it could probably pass although I haven’t tried.
However prior to my looking at the forms it could not have passed (no keyed deadbolts, must have bathroom fan)...I think there were a few others as well.
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