Posted on 01/16/2017 8:39:38 AM PST by NOBO2012
U.S. civil rights activists vowed on Saturday to defend hard-fought gains in voting rights and criminal justice during the presidency of Donald Trump, kicking off a week of protests ahead of the Republican's inauguration. Reuters
From a silly Cough-In at one of Trumps restaurants to John Lewiss declaration that he would be skipping the inauguration in protest, to Rosie ODonnells plan to swear John McCain in as an emergency interim president, the Left was hard at work organizing against America this week. Their one remaining grievance that butt for Russia we would be preparing to inaugurate Americas first female Communist president - doesnt seem to be getting any traction. Therefore there will be more organized protests to demonstrate how illegitimate Donald Trumps presidency is. HuffPo has even gone to the trouble to consolidate the dozens of officially sanctioned protests scheduled for Inauguration Day.
It all makes my head spin and makes be begin to believe that Al Sharptons famous Ms.NBC tongue entanglement
resist we much! was less malapropism and more Freudian slip.
In any event, having been subjected to this barrage of manufactured, packaged and distributed leftist outrage for far too long I think it is appropriate to rename their once Democratic party for them. Henceforth they shall be referred to as the Party Of Organized Protests, or POOP for short. Ive even designed an emoji mascot for them - the Angry Poop emoticon.
And wow! No sooner do I announce its creation and BuzzFeed that awesome fake news site that brought you the complete Golden Rain Dossier is all over this hot steaming pile of POOP, offering no fewer than 24 Emoji POOP gifts just in time for Inauguration Day.
Butt once again China seems to have cornered the market: they are offering POOP emojis in bulk from Chinese manufacturing company Yangzhou - with additional features available - through Alibaba (Chinas Amazon) for as little as $.85!
Alibabas version comes with suction cups: so you can hang your POOP anywhere.
Theyre available on Americas version of Alibaba (Amazon) for $9.95. Could it be that Trump is right about China taking advantage of us after all? And if hes right about that what else might he be right about? Not that his detractors care, theyre too busy spreading their POOP, trying to keep the country moving, to the left.
Sorry, POOP people, were going to MAGA. May I politely suggest you MoveOn.Org?
They should sponsor a ‘Poop In’.
Anyone else sick and tired of voting rights whiners? Aside from some prison inmates, name one adult US citizen who hasn’t been allowed to vote for the past 50 some years. It’s not my or anyone’s problem you can’t get up off your couch and put down the welfare paid for Cheetos and get your lazy self down to your precinct to vote like the rest of us. If you didn’t vote, then you have NO reason to complain who is or isn’t elected so SHUT UP.
And I don’t give a rat’s behind if your great-great-great-great grandma was a slave. Again, it’s not my problem. It’s not anyone’s responsibility so get over yourselves. You are not, never have been and never will be entitled.
Well put - Yeah - all of us are sick of it. They throw out grievances with absolutely no validity and politicians pick them up and fertilize them. Nothing they complain about holds any water. Don’t they have anything better to do? Would they have any idea what it’s like to be productive and enjoy contributing to society? Sure doesn’t look like it. Anyone who says this isn’t WORSE after obozo’s reign, is off their rocker!!!
Only those living off the gov (our tax $’s) have the time to protest.
Signs of “Trump Care Makes Us Sick”....that’s a hoot. Something that hasn’t happened yet makes them sick. Most of us try to avoid looking like fools! How come progressives haven’t figured that out? Shoot from the lip and damn the torpedoes....
POOP emoticons seem somehow appropriate for coprophiliacs.
Their waste products expressing their feeeeeelings.
They don’t need practice as they are mostly BS con artists and beggars with a world owes me attitude.
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