Posted on 11/10/2016 4:29:39 AM PST by NOBO2012
I spent yesterday in a bit of a fog, partly due to serious sleep deprivation and partly due to the lingering incredulity that we had, against all odds, taken our country back. Now that Ive had a decent nights sleep I can process things more clearly. And the first thing Ive processed is the behavior of the losers protesting the election results in the streets. Like every other demonstration over the past 8 years I doubt that this one was anymore organic than the other ginned Soros rallies. Given the average age of the demonstrators it was predictable: snowflakes who have been subjected to the non-stop propaganda that passes for education, who are unaccustomed to not getting their way, are easily manipulated.
Apparently the irony of their fascist* behavior:
in protest of the results of a democratic process:
is beyond their ken. Then again, irony is dead to this demographic:
said the rabidly anti-gun leftist. And again, imagine if this were a right-winger threatening Hillary
Imagine if right-wingers had behaved this way in the wake of Obamas elections? Questions of this sort have become so common these past 8 years that theyve been reduced to the status of rhetorical. And that at least partially explains why Donald Trump is our President elect.
Rush Limbaugh takes it one step further, commenting on CNN's Van Jones observation that a "whitelash against a changing country" was the driving force behind President Donald Trump's election. Rush asks "why it's wrong for white people to vote their interests" but not wrong for everyone else to do so.
JONES: This was a whitelash. (pause) This was a whitelash against a changing country. It was a whitelash against a black president in part. And that's the part where the pain comes. And Donald Trump has a responsibility tonight to come out and reassure people that he is going to be the president of all the people who he insulted and offended and brushed aside.
RUSH: So you see how this works? "Trump has got to mend fences. Trump has to approach us. Trump has to come to us, the offended, the aggrieved, the disadvantaged. Trump has to approach us. Trump!" Donald Trump has just schooled everybody on how you win. It is everybody else who should be approaching Donald Trump. But here's my question, folks. Van Jones of CNN says that this is a "whitelash." What is he complaining about? He's complaining that white people voted their interests?
So, for todays musical selection Ive chosen a Moody Blues tune from the Reagan era that very much speaks to todays milieu: The Voice
The Voice
Won't you take me back to school?
I need to learn the golden rule
Won't you lay it on the line?
I need to hear it just one more time
Oh, won't you tell me again?
Oh, can you feel it?
Oh, won't you tell me again, tonight?
Each and every heart it seems
Is bounded by a world of dreams
Each and every rising sun
Is greeted by a lonely one
Oh, won't you tell me again?
Oh, can you feel it?
Oh, won't you tell me again, tonight?
'Cause out on the ocean of life, my love
There are so many storms, we must rise above
Can you hear the spirit calling
As it's carried across the waves?
You're already falling
It's calling you back to face the music
And the song that is coming through
You're already falling, the one that it's calling is you
Make a promise, take a vow
And trust your feelings, it's easy now
Understand the voice within
And feel a change already beginning
Oh, won't you tell me again?
Oh, can you feel it?
Oh, won't you tell me again, tonight?
Oh, won't you tell me again?
Oh, can you feel it?
Oh, won't you tell me again, tonight?
And how many words have I got to say?
And how many times will it be this way?
With your arms around the future
And your back up against the past
You're already falling
It's calling you on to face the music
And the song that is coming through
You're already falling, the one that it's calling is you
Each and every heart it seems
Is bounded by a world of dreams
Each and every rising sun
Is greeted by a lonely, lonely one
Won't you tell me again?
Oh, can you feel it?
Oh, won't you tell me again, tonight?
*NOTE: Some refer to these violent protests as anarchist but every time I do Little Mo points out that no self-respecting anarchist would take part in a demonstration demanding MORE government.
Posted from: Michelle Obamas Mirror
Really just want to discuss the outstanding map. It’s clear that 20 or 25 big cities have forced their will on millions and millions of square miles. The USA has become on giant version of Illinois. This gem of a map should be used to overlay every social problem and every social good, from education to drug use to taxes paid and welfare used. These 25 Gomorrahs need to stop forcing their social experiments on the milions of square miles, the millions of square miles need to stop funding them.
I been pointing out for some weeks how leading up to the election, when these activities would hurt Hillary, there were NO BLM, NO moose limb murders, nothing. All of America was as quiet as a 50s suburb.
Now one day later, all unleashed. So much for “random, spontaneous”. The days of the folks behind this crap are numbered. Part of MAGA has to be crushing this crap.
Hey -— It’s just occurred to me that after Jan. 20th you’ll probably want a new, post-Won title for your blog.
If so, please start incorporating it as a sub-title, at some point so we’ll begin recognize it.
Excellent thinking.
First thought is the statement I read somewhere about dividing the country - let the Marxists have the big cities, left coast, northeast, SE Florida, and the Great Lake states (now turned red) and let’s go our own ways with our own values. Except the Great Lake states go with us except for the big cites of Chicago, Detroit and Milwaukee.....
If someone can dig that up again, I’d love to see it.
If there were only a way.
The each side would see the actual results of their philosophies.
Right now we are a nation that is internally at war.
Thankfully we have won the last major battle.
But the enemy is still strong and in our midst........
The Marxists/atheists/Muslims have been cramming their dark ways down our throats for 8 years now.
Now it’s their turn to see what it’s like.
But because of our difference in values, they - the anti-gun folk - resort to violence.
While we - with the guns - did not do so under their rule.......
What a statement of reality is that?
We have to change the immigration laws and voter fraud or next election there will be NO Chance as they will have added a 8 million more immigrants legally
It has been closer to 80 years than 8.
FDR pushed it very hard, as did Wilson before him.
We almost LOST our country. Thinking otherwise is foolish. This was no landslide victory.
If people cannot compel Congress to act THIS time, this will be a very short 4 years and that which comes next could be worse than Hillary and Bama combined...
True and accurate. But the last 8 have been the worst by far......a Marxist dictator......
Bad for me I guess, NH has been pulled out form under me with all the Bostonians and NY’ers. My other place is in Palm Beach County so I get lefty representation either way.
What’s odd is that both places aren’t beset with the Urban problems (heroin in NH notwithstanding) but rather are beset with white educated lefties that think they are morally superior denying their basic needs to appear smart.
And Barak Obama had a responsibility to be the president of all the people who he insulted and offended and brushed aside,
but he never was...
Years ago when we found the 'help wanted' ads on CraigsList for Occupy 'protesters'... WE KNEW... Everything since then has been conformation. These aren't 60's student protests - they're paid thugs...
Too bad the stupid ones in the MSM never figured it out. Maybe because their handlers haven't handed it to them in a 'news packet'...
Years ago when we found the 'help wanted' ads on CraigsList for Occupy 'protesters'... WE KNEW... Everything since then has been conformation. These aren't 60's student protests - they're paid thugs...organizing the frightened.
Too bad the stupid ones in the MSM never figured it out. Maybe because their handlers haven't handed it to them in a 'news packet'...
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