She was given a slap on the wrist and went home to hubby and lived happily ever after.
It's why women make good spies.
I really can't believe the documents she looked at were high value.
Still it was a violation and the Obama Administration prosecuted the General on that basis.
And he was given less than a slap on the wrist. Others who did what Petraeus did got much more sever penalties. And they were nowhere near as senior as him. Petraeus should be in jail for a long time, if not the rest of his life. Traitors like him should not be rewarded.
Actually, honeytraps are a notoriously unreliable intelligence tactic.
In fact, the only time such an operation was used with success systematically was by East German Head of Intelligence Markus Wolf. And he was use male "Romeos" on female intelligence assets.
He wasn’t set up. He fell for the oldest form of spying there is.
The DC political class needs to get some morals. I know that won’t happen. Bunch of creepy lechs