Send it to Israel, Obama doesn’t want it.
And Obama will probably order this information to be sealed.
I’d like to see the demographics, estimates of where all those guys are from have been made but I’d like to see how accurate the figures are.
I wonder how many are dem donors.
so then 22000 people should be dead within a month, right?
the sad thing is even if Europe or USA knows for sure who is among ISIS, they’ll be sure to let them back into their countries.
When Cortes reached Mexico he burned and/or scuttled his ships. If all alternative are destroyed it’s motivating.
Wonder what their DUmmie names are?
BADGES? We dont need no sticking badges!
....this will be buried deeper then Hilda’s medical records.
Next should be prosecuting them and their families and facilitators.
That means Russia is working with them. Surprise.
And the no-fly list just grew by 22K+, right? /s
Somehow, I think, it would not look so good if the names were cross-referenced w/ the ‘vetting’ of refugees/asylum seekers/dreamers/etc.
Mohammed Al Abdullah
Mumoud El Abdul
Mohamed Al Jihadi
Jihadi Al Mamoud
Ali Bin Ali
Ali Bin Abdullah
Abdullah bin Ali
Mohamed Bin Ali
Ali Bin Mohamed
Abdul Bin Mohamed
Abdul Bin Osama
Osama bin Abdullah
Ali Bin Osama
Alibaba Bin Mahmoud
Abdullah bin Osama
Mohamed Al Zawahiri
Zahar bin Kalihi
Kalihi bin Mohamed
Sayid bin Mohamed
Mohamed bin Sayeed
Sa’id Al Zawahari
Zawahari bin Abdullah
Sa’ad Q’dawahari
Al Q’uds bin Jihadi
Abdul Bin Laden
Sahir Bin Laden
Sheik Abdul al Bulbulamir
Amir Bin Sayidi
Mohamed bin Mohamed...
Did I leave anyone out?
Only about 21K+ more...(sigh)
Track them all back to the mosques that recruited them in their home countries, and roll up the whole network.
...all the way back to Saudi Arabia.
One of the files marked “Martyrs” detailed a brigade manned entirely by fighters who wanted to carry out suicide attacks and were trained to do so.