Posted on 10/03/2015 9:44:52 AM PDT by
Obama is a evil classless idiot. He is a disgrace to this nation.
He’s got the mentality of an evil 12 year old brat. He is not respected by anyone in the international community except for a few left wing nuts.
Well I’m continuing to pray for Obama.
I’m praying that Almighty God is about to reach the end of His patience, and will be soon lobbing an Old Testament style lightning bolt that will light up that filthy Kenyan’s ass like the 4th of July.
No original recipe, it’s gonna be *EXTRA* crispy.
He never, EVER should have become president of the GREATEST COUNTRY ON PLANET EARTH. It is sickening frankly.
As P.J. O’Rourke once said, and I paraphrase, “Do you ever wonder why Americans choose the leaders they do? Have you ever read the books they read, watched their sports and TV shows or watched their movies. HE**, have you ever been to the mall and SEEN ‘EM?!”
I rest my case. And this is part of why I chose my tag line roughly two years ago. I believe it now more than ever.
Probably catch some flak for this, but he is the sort of man for which the "N-word" was created to describe.
He’s an activist. A community organizer. He knows how to stir sh!t up. He doesn’t know how to manage anything.
The “N-word” you allude to should be preceded by the word “megalomaniac.” As far as I’m concerned, you’re perfectly entitled to feel about BO the same way BO feels about you. If you’re skittish about the racial slur, the word “vermin” would be a good substitute. That would apply quite well to Kerry and Power come to think of it.
After the fall of the Roman Empire, which had instilled a sort of “Roman Peace” the world sank into what is known at the “DARK AGES”. This terrible time beset the Western world until the coming of the Rennisance (sp?).
Until our current admisinstration there was upon the world a sort of “American Peace.” The U.S.A. was strong enough that, when is wanted to, it did indeed force evil to retreat.
Starting with Hitler and Imperial Japan, the United States halted the spread of Communist oppression. In limited the expansion of Red China. Saddam, of Iraq was blocked from his expansionist aims (forgot about that, didn’t we?).
With the continued sinking of the United States, we can (or SHOULD) realize we are witnessing of the coming of the modern version of the DARK AGES.
God help the world.
I believe Bibi knows, and as others should know by now, that 0 is running the war on the Western Civilization by proxy.
But ,contrary to popular believe, he is NOT a Muslim, he has NO faith in any religion. He is using Islam’s hatred to further a communist goal long in the making.
Oooooo I like that!
Is there, I wonder, a lower form of human life than a bigoted gay Muslim Liberal? Inquiring minds want to know...
I think you’re probably onto something. More likely O
has NO faith in any religion except Communism. - He’s
Junior Romperbritches trying to suck up all the air in
the room where grownups are busy doing grownup things
that he does not understand. I think he’s still “one
toke over the line”. - He’s been taken to the woodshed
by Putin and Netanyahu. That’s probably why he went
off in all directions in that speech right after the
most recent shooting. - He’s in over his head. He knows
it & is just bluffing his way through it. I pray we
can get through his messing about as unscathed as
I did a title search on “bombshell”. I don’t think it means what FReepers think it means.
I looked up that “N” word and not a single word of script was on the page, just a picture of our Kenyan Communist.
All it takes for EVIL to prevail, is for the good people/believers to do nothing. Evil is ever active.
You are too optimistic.
America will not survive an illiterate electorate.
Seen “Idiocracy” yet?
99% of the new york jews funded and voted for obama..... let’em live with it
they will vote for hilary also..... roflmao
talk about self abuse and stupidity....
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