I wish the economic illiterate who is President would make up his mind: Is it price controls, or isn’t it? Or, does the Risk Corridor supposed to hide operating losses mandated by the perverse coverage of the ACA so that operating compensation comes through in hidden fashion, making premium raises less necessary
Oops! How did this ignorant phony get elected? Twice?
Obama is a pathological liar and is NEVER held responsible for his blatant lies. I blame Big Media for the state our formerly great country is in. If they would ever, even now, hold him to account, we might be able to resurrect the greatness that we know is still there......just waiting to be unleashed. Too many sheeple believe Big Media right now. And they are the waterboys in the destruction of this once great USA.
Once the coverage of those with pre-existing conditions is mandated, we are no longer talking about insurance. Insurance keeps individual costs low by spreading risk, which is the exact opposite of what’s happening now. The skyrocketing costs are an inevitable result.
Just try to get a liberal to acknowledge any of this.
I fully expect Obama to go on TV and declare, “I was right! None of the massive increases were allowed!”
I think the insurance companies just have to show justification for the premium increase...
and they do have that justification.
Those liberal morons think you can insure a burning barn without raising the insurance rates to all the other farmers.
That isn’t sound insurance policy. It is reparations.
Most People with pre-existing conditions didn’t have those conditions at some point in their life and could have bought insurance but thought they were immune from the natural processes of physical health.
The rest, who were born with a condition, couldn’t buy insurance.
But the good news is that the American people are a kind and charitable people who are willing to help those in need, even if they made mistakes that put them in that position. We have had a health system that took care of those people through charity hospitals in virtually every city and county in the country.
Not so.
The penalty (aka "tax" John Roberts) is not high enough to force everyone to buy (thankfully).
Given that the premiums are so high, a lot of people decide not to buy insurance, especially young healthy people.
That makes the insurance risk pool even worse.
BTW the penalty is capped at the cost of a Bronze plan.
With what we've got, all the insurance companies have to do is buy off a majority of the regulators.
He is used the same BS lies in healthcare as he’s now using to push through this Iran deal. He never cares about telling lies to get to the end game.
When he negotiates on something he wants....he gives the other side everything they want, as long as he gets his project through.
they are working together. each side gets to blame the other, both get the rate hikes and it becomes weapons each side uses for their political gain.