Where Charlton Heston’s Moses demanded that Ramses “Let my people go!”, Christian Bale’s Moses in EXODUS — and this is no joke — demands that Ramses pay his slaves a living wage and make them — again, no joke — citizens. DeMille’s Moses was a liberator. Ridley Scott’s Moses is a community organizer agitating for executive action on the minimum wage and amnesty.
Where is Ramsees (as a person) mentioned in the Bible? As for Moses, “rejected”? Hardly. The Almighty even says that He will cause Israel to have faith IN MOSES, and they eventually do. Moses is the most revered man in Judaism.
” Jesus was the ultimate outsider too. (snip) He was the son of a peasant woman, a carpenters son....”
Jesus was NOT the son of a carpenter.
Courageous Iraqi Christian teenagers literally losing their heads today because they claim that Jesus is the Son of God.
Millions have done the same in the last 20 centuries.
Just don’t star Batman as Moses.
Good article.
“...God used the least likely person to lead His people out of bondage.”
The above is true throughout the Bible.
In Ridley's version and the Ten Commandments movie, Moses is put out into the desert by the Egyptians so it will kill him. In the Bible, Moses flees Egypt knowing that the Egyptians are after him.
In Ridley's version, Moses is on the Holy Mountain and gets caught in an avalanche and buried till only his face is visible before he sees the burning bush. In the Bible, Moses says "I will turn aside and see this great sight" having noticed the bush not being consumed.
In Ridley's version, Moses, many times, sees God as a pre-teen boy. In the Bible, Moses is put in the cleft of a rock so he gets to see God's backside because "No one can see God and live" (as He really is).
In Ridley's version, Moses is a middle aged man. In the Bible, Moses is 80 years old when he confronts Pharaoh. In Ridley's version Moses commits Terrorism himself against the Egyptians (this is not found in the Bible).
In Ridley's version, Moses confronts Pharaoh with his sword. In the Bible, Moses confronts Pharaoh with a staff that turns into a serpent and swallows the Egyptian's snake then they tried it. Moses asks Pharaoh to let the Hebrews go to worship their God three days in the Wilderness. In Ridley's version Moses does not ask this.
In Ridley's version, the plagues happen one on top of another till the plague on the first born. In the Bible, Moses confronts Pharaoh before almost every plague. In one confrontation Pharaoh gives permission to go then reneges according the the Holy Scriptures.
In Ridley's version, The Hebrews see the Egyptians while they are fleeing across the bed of the Red Sea. In the Bible, the Egyptians come upon them by stuck by the Red Sea at night. God places a pillar of Fire between them and Egyptians to protect the Hebrews until they can get away.
In Ridley's version, Moses is seen carving the Ten Commandments into the tablets. In the Bible, God writes the Ten Commandments himself with "the finger of God".
There are so many discrepancies between the Exodus Movie, that I recommend reading the story in the book of Exodus instead. It is far more dramatic and satisfying than the movie ever could be.