Posted on 12/02/2014 6:19:35 AM PST by NOBO2012
> “We’re going to make sure that we’re not building a militarized culture inside our local law enforcement,” Obama said. He said the goal instead is to ensure that “crime goes down while community trust in the police goes up.”
Says the man who built up the brown shirt army, stashed billions of bullets away on the pretense of law enforcement agencies that hardly use weapons in their day to day operations, and developed microwave fry guns to use against the population...
Don’t believe a word that comes out of this conman’s mouth...
As long as any video captured can be used as evidence to prosecute perps, I think a lot of cops will be all for it. But I have a feeling that will not be allowed as a proviso for getting the things in place.
This conniving tyrant is saying he wants $263 million to put body cameras on cops. He will use that money to pay illegals he has legalized (temporarily). He’s a liar and an America-hater. What makes anyone think that he’s going to buy cameras that prove blacks’ claims about anything with respect to bias are not true?
My guess is odumbo will give his “EO” to law enforcement like he did for our military, “Do Not Fire Unless Fired upon”.
Yea, that would work! (sarc)
That was my thinking when the cameras on cops things started gaining traction, All the “concern trolls” like Obama and the Civil Rights Extortion cartel ($harpton and Jack$on) might be for this right now. But when it starts capturing these thugs for who they are in real time and the public at large starts seeing the same thing the Cops see such as the lovely kid the Gentle Giant was uncensored, the screams to get rid of them will get very loud.
Suddenly the self incrimination clause of the Constitution will found and used by the left.
Body cams on cops will inevitably have facial recognition built into them. It will be just like the automatic license plate readers that are extent today.
The future is approaching fast.
” Were going to make sure that were not building a militarized culture inside our local law enforcement,....
Too late for that. County and city police forces around the country have all been given (free if wanted) military hardware including guns, armoured personnel carriers, you name it.
No, we’re not building a militarized culture”..BULL SHIT!
” Were going to make sure that were not building a militarized culture inside our local law enforcement,....
Too late for that. County and city police forces around the country have all been given (free if wanted) military hardware including guns, armoured personnel carriers, you name it.
No, we’re not building a militarized culture”..BULL SHIT!
Translation: "Eric, we need a larger body count next time, make it happen, your King has spoken..."
He actually doesn’t have any authority over local state and city law enforcement. He can dangle the loss of federal money in front of them as extortion, he can instruct the DOJ to change their guidelines re: this or that, but he cannot legally order LE at the state or below level to do sh!t unless they are in violation of legislated (codified) Federal law.
> This conniving tyrant is saying he wants $263 million to put body cameras on cops. He will use that money to pay illegals he has legalized (temporarily). Hes a liar and an America-hater. What makes anyone think that hes going to buy cameras that prove blacks claims about anything with respect to bias are not true?
And what’s really funny about this situation is what if it proves beyond the shadow of a doubt what police officers of all colors have been saying all along? That the black population commits far more crime than any other segment of the population, particularly violent crimes. I’m guessing there will a a specialized “racial sensitity unit” set up in each department to ensure many of the videos are wiped that show that the thug and drug culture with their pimps and hoes are alive and well in black communities .../s
Yeah. Broadcast the live feeds so everyone can see what’s going on.
Oh Well, Per the Norm I am sure only a fraction of this money will go to what they are saying it will, and instead grease the palms of some political ally.
The unvarnished truth is that blacks commit more crimes pro rata than whites. In virtually every other facet of American life, blacks are constantly harping about how preponderance of statistics (say for sentencing, existing data - whatever prove bias on the part of anyone they are against. Yet, when statistics and data show the contrary - they ARE responsible for more crime and violence, they are silent and trust in the media and pandering politicians and tyrants like Obama to help them out of the logic bomb. Pathetic.
Had a body cam been on the officer, blacks would be lying about what it actually showed.
what will the administration and storage of data cost be?
will the .gov step in and cover it for us?
It is like the DHS, somewhere in it is a hook.
I hope the Police start their own site and post their best videos .
The press was not invited to the meet because it was a celebration replete with champagne toasts. Here is why:
As opposition to Obama’s abuse of his constitutional authority and talk of “impeachment” began to arise and his polling numbers fell.
What Obama needed, worked for, and got , by separating and isolating his solid group of supporters the blacks through creating out of whole cloth stories of “victimization”.
Using circumstances where lawless black youths wound up dead in felonious struggles over guns held by figures of authority. Obama used his “Bully Pulpit to reinforce that “victim” agenda in Florida and Missouri. In both cases he portrayed authority as the agressors and the perpetrators as the “victims”
In Florida’s case success was indicated by the number of incidents where members of other races were attacked severly injured or murdered by black youths committing these assults in the name of the so called “victim” All the while Obama neither commented nor condemed such activity.
In Missouri he met with and issued a stay the course order to the Ferguson protesters. They in turn coordinated by the usual suspects organized nationwide protests. Their purpose and result was a successful demonstration of what would happen if congress ever moved on any constitutional efforts to restrain or even remove Obama includingImpeachment..
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