Posted on 12/27/2013 8:29:54 AM PST by NOBO2012
Let me be clear: that is not a string of Christmas lights bedecking Lady Ms forehead:
Nor is it a portable landing strip for either Santa or Marine Won:
Theyre Kwanzaa lights, and apparently theyre quite fashionable.
And dont act like youve never seen them before, because MO rocked them last year too.
BO, First Bro-in-law, Craig, and MO; Big White, 2012
As I went to great lengths to point out at the time (in Headband Heroines) the look was MOs nod to another schtrong woman-of-Washington who also had to occasionally stand by her selfie-involved man:
Hill, in turn, was casting herself in the Eva Peron role: the heroic spouse who succeeded her recently departed husband as president of the bereaved country:
And I speculated at the time that perhaps Lady M was likewise preparing herself for that roll:
(Sorry; I know I promised to stay away from the pit shots for awhile, butt I thought you might be interested in its provenance)
While Eva (affectionately known as Evita by her subjects) was not known for rocking headbands per se, she was a huge fan of hats:
Hills just updated the concept with headbands, and Lady M, with sparkly doo rags.
Anyway, back to Lady Ms newest look, trust me: it could have been worse. The sparklies come in everything from butterflies to stars, so the landing strip motif was really not that bad.
And since I think that The Other McCain already let the duck out of the bag:
I might as well go ahead and tell you were looking to expand our cache to encompass the Duck Dynasty franchise. And since everyone knows how notoriously lowbrow that crowd is, were keeping the new doo rags low key too.
The article about the new show quoted Big Guy from his infamous presser last week, in which he kind-of-sort-of-did-and-didnt-take-responsibility for the Obamacare fiasco:
On Obamacare, the president allowed hed made mistakes when it came to the health care rollout. Even though I was meeting every other week, every three weeks with folks and emphasizing how important it was that consumers have a good experience the fact is it didnt happen in the first month, first six weeks in a way that was at all acceptable, and since Im in charge, obviously we screwed it up.
Because, like, when you meet every other week, every three weeks you, like, just expect your little people to take care of stuff for you. And they didnt. Thats why the not so royal in this case we screwed up. Smitty explained:
Youve got to respect a leader thats singular in his understanding of whos in charge, and somehow, ambiguously, vaguely plural in his grasp of who tubed it.
I, for one, think Duck Responsibility will be a big, big hit. And its not like there havent been duck hunters in the White House before:
Yes, thats a Duck Commander duck call hanging from his neck. They dont call him Bubba for nothing.
In fact Big Guys a big fan of the ducks! Why, even his own dearly departed (RIP Stanley Ann) mother was a duck lover:
So it just feels right that the next Dynasty show take place right here beards and all.
Sure to be a hit: staring Barry and his beard. h/t Peoples Cube
And if I do say so myself, I think I can so totally rock this look!
Everybodys Happy, Happy, Happy!
Posted from: Michelle Obamas Mirror
Are we now a cattle population of “who cares” people?
Food out of our mouths, lots more money out of our wallets and they F’d up medical care in this country and yet WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE ON THIS?
I would like to see peaceful protests and not an instant appearance of other actions in places.
IMO the President and his party are off the hook and the people need to make themselves heard and act peacefully.
My fear is that our population is letting this go go go go and then all of a sudden they may just wake up at once and say enough and maybe do stupid things instead of acting like responsible citizens.
I remember two years ago in Africa I was talking to a citizen of Tunisia asking why they had revolted and had a rebellion. In general they were upset with a doubling of their taxes to 11% and how their government acted like the mob by personal enrichment of the political class. I told him how taxes are over 50% for some in California and their mouth hung dumbfounded.
We are seeing a lot of socialism being thrown at us and I don't see a response from the people. I fear the people are going to instead reach a point then you tell me what they may do? I think something is coming though.
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