Posted on 12/24/2013 5:34:51 AM PST by NOBO2012
Each year I reprise this Christmas Eve post, originally posted in 2009, to commemorate our first, historic, Presidential vacation on the alleged island of Barrys birth. To this day however, nobody really knows exactly where our new messiah was born.
Each year I like to update it to capture a bit of the nations current Zeitgeist, in order to provide a more accurate record of the First Historic Imperial American Presidency for future generations. And dont worry if you havent had time to get all your shopping done and your cookies baked: Big Guy is granting a special, one-time-only, one day extension of the Christmas Eve deadline this year!
So please enjoy this years edition, and as we say in Hawaii: Mele Kalikimaka!
Christmas Eve, 2013
If you didnt receive this years official Big White Winter Holiday card yet, its probably because we had to cut back on our mailing list this year: part of the lingering effects of the heartless Republican sequester cuts. Butt dont feel bad, as most people agree that this years was not really one of our better efforts.
I have to say, aside from the pop-up architecture, it doesnt look like anyone put much thought into this card. Gather around? The season? What does that even mean? The only thing we gather around regularly is the table and we do that in every season. And, may the warmth and joy of the holidays fill your home? Your home, maybe; butt not ours, as were vacating it for 17 days.
Given all the negative reviews coming in about the gatherings card, our handlers decided on a style work around after we arrived in Hawaii. So Ive been authorized to offer - for a limited only - all my MOLs, MODs and FOMs a copy of our second edition 2013 commemorative Winter Holiday card from the WONs:
As the old Hawaiian saying goes, sometimes you should quit before you get any further behind.
Or, alternatively, you can have this Christmas card from that red-neck, bible thumper guy, and his family.
When placing your order, simply indicate card A - the cheerless, mirthless, joyless family or B - the Happy, Happy, Happy one. Ill take care of the rest.
And now, heres the original Mele Kalikemaka Christmas Eve post, from way back in 2009. (hard to believe, I know!) complete with my special Christmas Eve Dream video. Enjoy.
Santa and his elves are hanging around D.C. just long enough this morning to vote on how much theyre going to charge for shipping and handling on this years free gifts.
Then we can all fly away for our Winter Solstice holidays! I cant wait Ive never been to Big Guys alleged birth state. I have to remember to pack my UVA and UVB lenses.
I dreamed about our vacation all last night
Merry Christmas Eve, everyone!
Posted from: Michelle Obamas Mirror
Hilareous. Lol
are those dogs peeing on the White House?
If the Obamas don’t believe in Christmas which they have stated in the past; why do they celebrate by taking Christmas vacations?
ditto with all the progressive who celebrate “the holiday that must not be named” first thought exactly.
Good Grief !
...Daughters are paid staff !!!! Now isn’t that just special?
Obama Daughters are Michelle’s ‘Senior Staffers’!!!
Michelle was caught cheating on her expense report What a show of arrogance !
This information was obtained by Judicial Watch March, 2012. The administration had to be sued to get this through the FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT.
Michelle Obama listed daughters as ‘Senior Staffers’ to justify her expensive African vacation and safari.
October 5, 2011, Judicial Watch said the U.S. Air Force provided a C-32 ( a Boeing 757 ), modified by the military for the purpose of flying bigwigs around the world, to fly the First Lady and her entourage to and from Africa, at a cost of $424,142. Another $928.44 was listed as ‘bulk food’ costs per meal for the 192 on board. Lobster isn’t cheap when you fly it around the world.
The Obama daughters were listed on the manifest as senior staff. ‘This trip was as much an opportunity for the Obama family to go on a safari as it was a trip to conduct government business,’ said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. ‘This junket wasted tax dollars and the resources of our over-extended military.. No wonder we had to sue to pry loose this information. ‘The nation is suffering with the economy sputtering, the national debt soaring and Obama’s economic rescue policies not only failing, but actively making things worse.
Meanwhile, the First Lady justifies an expensive trip to Africa to take a vacation and safari with her daughters by saying it’s ‘official business’ and even going so far as to list her children as staffers.The level of arrogance and dishonesty on display here is nothing short of shocking.’
It’s a true story. Check out these links and read it for yourself:
*** btains-documents-detailing-the-cost-to-taxpayers-for-michelle-obama-s-family-trip-to-africa/press-room/press-releases/judicial-watch-obtains-documents-detailing-the-cost-to-taxpayers-for-michelle-obama-s-family-trip-to-africa/ <
What the hell? Is this really the card and if it is, what do the two crowns on the front of the portico represent?
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