Posted on 08/27/2013 11:07:38 PM PDT by servo1969
You've already heard, I'm sure, about Delbert Belton, the 88-year-old World War II veteran who was beaten to death by two black teenagers. The police are assuring everyone that there's no need to get worried, because this wasn't a race crime. Instead, it was Delbert's own fault. According to the police, when the boys tried to rob Delbert, he had the temerity to fight back, leaving them with no other option than to beat an old man to death.
A friend of mine noted that, using this reasoning, if one assumes solely for the sake of argument that the race-hustlers are correct and it was Zimmerman who started the fatal encounter with Trayvon, then Trayvon was responsible for his own death because he had the temerity to fight back by climbing on top of Zimmerman, raining punches on his face, and trying to turn Zimmerman's head into Silly Putty by smashing it repeatedly into the pavement. My friend is right, of course.
But I'll add something else to the mix. The police are desperate to avoid saying that the white on black crimes that are flooding the news lately arise because blacks are - gasp! - not merely racist in Obama's hystically race-conscious America, but aggressively so. They don't want to admit that the aggressive focus on race that surrounded Obama's election didn't destroy forever the linger vestiges of racism in America - the presumed outcome of a nation open-minded enough to elect a black man to its highest office - but, in fact, created an aggressive form of black-on-white racism.
Here's the problem: the new black-on-white racial motivation, although disgusting, is an intellectually recognizable reason for vile conduct. If you deny its existence, all you have left is the admission that American blacks have become feral. That is, they're not killing for political reasons; they're killing because they have an animal's blood-lust, without a human's self-control, morality, or reasoning skills.
And so, let's talk about two recent local news stories that the MSM is assiduously ignoring.
In Anderson, Indiana, a 17-year-old black teenager assaulted and raped a 93-year-old woman. This is what Iquise Taylor did to Amelia Rudolf:
Police say the youth lived within in a block of the woman's house. Investigators say he broke into her home by kicking in the back door and then sexually assaulted her.
The 93-year-old had been sleeping at the time and awoke to find the youth in her bedroom.
Apparently elderly white women are quite the hot commodity amongst the non-racist blacks, because a similar event occurred happened in Poughkeepsie, NY. That's where 99-year-old Fannie Gumbinger had the misfortune to cross paths with 20-year-old Javon Tyrek Rogers, a black man who is a career burglar. Well, Mrs. Gumbinger didn't actually cross paths with Rogers. It was more a case of his entering her house and killing her. Why would one kill a frail 99-year-old lady (and believe me, because of my Mom's retirement home I know precisely how frail 99-year-old ladies are)? Well, it wasn't a "hate crime," of course, because blacks don't commit hate crimes. That means, as Wolf Howling put it, that it was a "feral" act.
The race hustlers have repeatedly put themselves in the position of conceding that black Americans are feral, whether it's because they say that Damian King couldn't help trying to beat Reginald Denny to death in the wake of the Rodney King riots, because he was "caught him the rapture" of the moment; or the two teens who couldn't help killing an 88-year-old because he fought back; or a 17-year-old who couldn't control his lust for an 93-year-old woman (who his lust for power over a 93-year-old woman); or a 20-year-old who had to murder a 99-year-old lady who was interfering with his burglary; or the five young blacks who tortured a random white couple to death in such a horrible way that I can't bear to right about it. If these young black people (and they're all young products of America's thirty years of institutional Progressivism) acted without a motive, no matter how disgusting that motive was, then the only thing left is to concede that they are either evil incarnate, which argues a certain moral knowledge that the actor deliberately ignores, or that they are so inhuman that they have become like animals.
Even likening them to animals, though, seems to me to be too generous. Animals kill to eat or to control territory. Animals do not waste their energies, nor do they put themselves at risk, simply to indulge in blood lust. That type of act is seen only in rabid animals that have been rendered insane through infection.
So what disease has affected our black underclass to the point at which it has parted ways with humanity and entered dimensions in which, normally, only infected animals dwell? I leave you to think up your own instance.
Incidentally, I do not write this post as an overarching indictment of blacks, God forbid. I am not a classic racist, in that I do not believe that one race genetically inferior to another race. I recognize differences (skin color, musculature, bell curve spread over such traits as book-oriented intellectualism or physical stamina, etc), but I consider those differences virtuous, insofar as they provide a wonderful range of human abilities, with no one quality trumping any other - although there are times, whether through natural- or human-caused events, when certain traits may help one group survive better than another group. I consider myself a "values-ist," meaning that I judge people by their values, not their skin color, religion, gender, sexual preference, etc.
You've already heard, I'm sure, about Delbert Belton, the 88-year-old World War II veteran who was beaten to death by two black teenagers. The police are assuring everyone that there's no need to get worried, because this wasn't a race crime. Instead, it was Delbert's own fault. According to the police, when the boys tried to rob Delbert, he had the temerity to fight back, leaving them with no other option than to beat an old man to death.
A friend of mine noted that, using this reasoning, if one assumes solely for the sake of argument that the race-hustlers are correct and it was Zimmerman who started the fatal encounter with Trayvon, then Trayvon was responsible for his own death because he had the temerity to fight back by climbing on top of Zimmerman, raining punches on his face, and trying to turn Zimmerman's head into Silly Putty by smashing it repeatedly into the pavement. My friend is right, of course.
But I'll add something else to the mix. The police are desperate to avoid saying that the white on black crimes that are flooding the news lately arise because blacks are - gasp! - not merely racist in Obama's hysterically race-conscious America, but aggressively so. They don't want to admit that the aggressive focus on race that surrounded Obama's election didn't destroy forever the linger vestiges of racism in America - the presumed outcome of a nation open-minded enough to elect a black man to its highest office - but, in fact, created an aggressive form of black-on-white racism.
Here's the problem: the new black-on-white racial motivation, although disgusting, is an intellectually recognizable reason for vile conduct. If you deny its existence, all you have left is the admission that American blacks have become feral. That is, they're not killing for political reasons; they're killing because they have an animal's blood-lust, without a human's self-control, morality, or reasoning skills.
And so, let's talk about two recent local news stories that the MSM is assiduously ignoring.
In Anderson, Indiana, a 17-year-old black teenager assaulted and raped a 93-year-old woman. This is what Iquise Taylor did to Amelia Rudolf:
Police say the youth lived within in a block of the woman's house. Investigators say he broke into her home by kicking in the back door and then sexually assaulted her.
The 93-year-old had been sleeping at the time and awoke to find the youth in her bedroom.
Apparently elderly white women are quite the hot commodity amongst the non-racist blacks, because a similar event occurred happened in Poughkeepsie, NY. That's where 99-year-old Fannie Gumbinger had the misfortune to cross paths with 20-year-old Javon Tyrek Rogers, a black man who is a career burglar. Well, Mrs. Gumbinger didn't actually cross paths with Rogers. It was more a case of his entering her house and killing her. Why would one kill a frail 99-year-old lady (and believe me, because of my Mom's retirement home I know precisely how frail 99-year-old ladies are)? Well, it wasn't a "hate crime," of course, because blacks don't commit hate crimes. That means, as Wolf Howling put it, that it was a "feral" act.
The race hustlers have repeatedly put themselves in the position of conceding that black Americans are feral, whether it's because they say that Damian King couldn't help trying to beat Reginald Denny to death in the wake of the Rodney King riots, because he was "caught him the rapture" of the moment; or the two teens who couldn't help killing an 88-year-old because he fought back; or a 17-year-old who couldn't control his lust for an 93-year-old woman (who his lust for power over a 93-year-old woman); or a 20-year-old who had to murder a 99-year-old lady who was interfering with his burglary; or the five young blacks who tortured a random white couple to death in such a horrible way that I can't bear to right about it. If these young black people (and they're all young products of America's thirty years of institutional Progressivism) acted without a motive, no matter how disgusting that motive was, then the only thing left is to concede that they are either evil incarnate, which argues a certain moral knowledge that the actor deliberately ignores, or that they are so inhuman that they have become like animals.
Even likening them to animals, though, seems to me to be too generous. Animals kill to eat or to control territory. Animals do not waste their energies, nor do they put themselves at risk, simply to indulge in blood lust. That type of act is seen only in rabid animals that have been rendered insane through infection.
So what disease has affected our black underclass to the point at which it has parted ways with humanity and entered dimensions in which, normally, only infected animals dwell? I leave you to think up your own instance.
Incidentally, I do not write this post as an overarching indictment of blacks, God forbid. I am not a classic racist, in that I do not believe that one race genetically inferior to another race. I recognize differences (skin color, musculature, bell curve spread over such traits as book-oriented intellectualism or physical stamina, etc), but I consider those differences virtuous, insofar as they provide a wonderful range of human abilities, with no one quality trumping any other - although there are times, whether through natural- or human-caused events, when certain traits may help one group survive better than another group. I consider myself a "values-ist," meaning that I judge people by their values, not their skin color, religion, gender, sexual preference, etc.
So if it's not genetics, it must be culture - and black culture is Leftist culture or, rather, black culture is the victim of elitist Leftist culture. It's the Leftist ruling class, in government, in the media, and in education, that thinks so little of blacks that these elites are content to accept that young blacks normally exist in a diseased, feral state, because it seems right and natural to the affluent Leftist eye. If, Gaia forfend!, they concede that blacks are endowed with the same moral and intellectual abilities as whites, then these same elites must also concede that blacks do not need to be perpetually dependent upon the states for all their needs, a status that assumes racial inability.
You lnow, when we Jews do something that is considered evil or a betrayal of the rest of us, it is often chalked up to self-loathing. That might or might not be true in most cases, but the FACT is there are more of those types of people in ANY culture than we would like to admit. It’s damned embarrassing for one thing. But to identify with a ‘group’ the way obama, holder, jackson, sharpton, et al have while deliberately trying to destroy that group to lift their own egomaniacal selves up and away from them is nothing short of grotesque and is the EPITOME of self-loathing.
That inner city black people have been so subjugated by these monsters that they have become little more than cannon fodder and shock troops for these charlatans is the most despicably racist malevolence I have ever seen.
This period is the time those of us who survive this will look back at in a few years and ask ourselves, "Why did we not get out when we still could?"
Every conservative plays manly macho games, like Texas Hold’em.
The Left plays chess.
And how do you win at chess?
You send in the pawns first...
No disease has affected them.
They are simply acting normal, for them.
That's their culture, after all - who are you to judge?
"Yoo mus' be racis'..."
Any white person who leaves his/her house unarmed has a fool for a security adviser!
Situational Awareness and a handy weapon work!
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