Posted on 06/01/2013 7:38:44 AM PDT by NOBO2012
Its not as if I didnt warn you about Big Guys similarities to Dick Nixon a long time ago (Obamas Brother From Another Mother).
Its just that, suddenly, everybody seems to have spontaneously discovered that Tricky Dick has been reincarnated as Cocky Baracky. Despite coming from different political parties (and mothers), BO is a Xerox copy of Dick - only in negative.
Viewing them in negative removes race from the picture - leaving just the malevolence
Butt lets run through a few of the specifics involving their duplicative selves, shall we?
and reward your friends.
Tricky Dickies secretary accidentally erased some of the White House tape recordings which may or may not have incriminated the President in the Watergate cover-up.
The secretarys oath: stand by your man, no matter what.
Wait a minute thats not right.Is it?
Oh, and that reminds me: Barry also has that little Benghazi bump in the road thing going on; about leaving our embassy unprotected. Unfortunately it resulted in the deaths of Ambassador Stevens and 3 of his attachés. And then there was the cover-up which they always say is worse than the scandal, butt in this case that can hardly be said to be the case. Even the Nixter never did anything close to this egregious: he killed a few reputations, butt there were never any bodies. Big Guy really is unprecedented. Historical.
In fact, you might say that if Richard Milhous Nixon had a son, he would have looked just like Barack Hussein Obama:
Or at least acted just like him.
Well dont worry son, they wont have you to kick around much longer.
Oh, and I nearly forgot: both Dick and BO had/have wives who totally rocked the golden girl look:
Although, for some reason, our military personnel are still being killed in Trashkanistan but not in Vietnam.
Maybe there is something to the low hanging brow and a strong hunger for power. Their brains are wired that way?
Why not post it here instead of being a filthy blogpimp?
Comparing Obama to Nixon is an insult to Nixon. Seriously.
Nixon was fighting against communism. Obama is fighting for communism.
Some of the dirty tricks that Nixon's administration did were outrageous in his day. But they are mediocre by comparison to the major data grabs and nationwide attacks by multiple government agencies on the general population.
> ...Read The Rest Here>>>
> Why not post it here instead of being a filthy blogpimp?
Worse, there was only a trivial amount of additional content at the blog... He came so close to getting it right...
Like Obama, Nixon also pushed for socialized medicine.
Yeah but ‘Checkers’ was a way neater doggy than the Mooch-elle!!
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