Posted on 04/09/2013 3:37:36 PM PDT by SaveOurRepublicFromTyranny
But conspicuously absent in the media or blogosphere are the broad, reactionary calls by celebrities or pundits to remedy the malice of a violent attacker with legislation. While certainly there are comments out there, when we juxtapose this recent attack with that of the shooting at Sandy Hook or Aurora, we see the absence of reaction by those who feel that government intervention is the solution to all of societys ailments...
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Gosh, he used an exacto knife - which is really a razor. I think I’d rather be shot.
I wonder if these victims will get a ride on Air Force One, too.
Barely a breath on this from the mainstream press. Not in my area, anyway.
Yeah, but be of good cheer- It would have been worse if Mitt won!
/ sarc off
Using the same logic of the left, obviously he was a left-wing Occupy movement supporter, inspired by people like Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow.
Only on RUSH in Tucson area.
I have been saying all along that what happened at Sandy Hook could have been done with a knife.
It was knives like these aka “box cuters” used to kill crew
and hijack planes on 9/11 ........
Suspect is Dylan Quick, 20 or 21. A white ginger.
Chalfan said other students made fun of Quick and said he looked like the comedian Carrot Top.
He was born deaf and received a cochlear implant at seven years old.
Quick had a long association with Lone Star College and enrolled in the school libraries teen activities when he was 12, according to the blog. Quicks mom enrolled him in the program to help him learn English. Quick was shy at first and didnt want to participate, but eventually turned into a studious reader.
The blog reveals Quick had decided to pursue a career in accounting and would be transferring to the University of Houston if he received his associate degree from Lone Star College Cy-Fair.
He has a love for math and a love for reading with more than 1,000 books in his collection.
Quick planned to build and host an online international book club in the future, the blogger wrote.
When steak knives are outlawed, only outlaws will have steak.
Meat is murder!
I can't turn off the sarcasm tag.
“About the post author, Greg Campbell
A former contributor for The Oregon Commentator, a conservative journal of opinion, Greg is now a lead contributor for The Tea Party News Network, and a regular contributor for RightWing News”
And ALL of those entities (don’t know about Campbell) are part of and are the ‘tea parties’ that CPAC was SO proud of for refusing to let Robert Spencer accept an award at CPAC if he dared mention Grover Norquist or Khan of the ACU who are OPEN BORDER AMNESTY, radical ISLAM facilitators!
TPNN is NOT a legitimate news source and has hi jacked the tea party name to further their own fundraising/anti conservative views and will do nothing but destroy the name. You won’t see any of their fundraisers fighting AMNESTY.
Well, groanup, the TPNN and are joined at the hip and work together to be the ONE AND ONLY Tea Party authority, leaders and organization.
The Tea Party Patriots tried that and failed, as will any group that tries to demean real Tea Party Movement people and groups, in this case Sarah Palin.
They have taken the rope they grabbed and ran with and they are now using it to hang themselves out to dry.
It sounds to me like Breitbart is attacking a competitor site that has sprung up.
Opinions expressed when ill informed cause statements like that.
Breitbart is well established and I’m sure would laugh at TPNN being described as competition. How foolish.
Scottie Hughes is a tool they are using to push their agenda, and have the help of Karl Rove and other faux conservatives also.
She joined and helped create the TPNN. I guess the rivalry on the right is part of the problem.
No, the problem is they are working to destroy the Tea Party Movement from the inside, seeing themselves as grassroots and Palin and other GENUINE tea party individuals and chapters/orgs as astroturf (Hughes words if you read her spiel,) a term used first I think by Pelosi to describe the whole TPM
Don’t forget the guy that started is a marketer who collects email addresses and sells advertising.
He saw the TPM as a cash cow and has raked in millions.
36 posted on Wed Mar 27 14:27:00 2013 by Syncro (”So?” -Andrew Breitbart [1969-2012] RIP King of The New Media)
Were the people doing the attack Amish?
“Witness: Lone Star College stabbing suspect ‘had sinister look on his face’”
Gee, ya think??? Couldn’t someone have taken this monster out before he killed someone...oh, that’s right....NO ONE HAD A GUN!
This country has lost its mind!
“TPNN Interviews Grover Norquist
Posted 03.25.13 by Jacob Hawkins, “
Isn’t that special????
Well back in January they had a shooting at another campus with three or so injuries after an altercation.
Do you think someone present with a gun could have done something about this attack?
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