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Egyptians Hit by Dawning Realization that
Obama's on the DICTATOR's Side- Not Theirs/Democracy
Reaganite Republican ^
| 05 December 2012
| Reaganite Republican
Posted on 12/05/2012 2:27:23 AM PST by Reaganite Republican
100,000+ protesters -furious at President Morsi's brazen attempt to place himself above the nation's law/courts- forced Obama's Muslim Brotherhood ally to flee the presidential palace yesterday...
The freedom-seeking Cairo demonstrators broke-down the barricades surrounding the presidential compound and
marched right to the wall- no attempt was made to breach the building's outer perimeter.
Although you'd never know it by listening to the Obammunist hacks that make-up the American MSM, grassroots opposition protests against the anti-democratic Islamist that Obama basically installed in Egypt (by betraying a staunch,
30-year US ally) are now entering their third week. And not
just in Cairo, demonstrations against the Brotherhood's radical draft constitution have popped-up in most all of the country's
27 provinces.
Morsi's excuse for the ill-conceived overreach that sparked all this -including a walkout by the Egyptian Supreme Court- was 'God's will and the election made me captain of the ship!', but obviously nobody's buying that but the most fervent of Islamist zealots. Indeed, two Morsi advisors have already resigned:
one of them -a Christian- held the position of
'assistant for democratic transformation'.
Now privately-owned media outlets and college professors are considering joining the judiciary's 'indefinite strike'... with some already calling for a second revolution.
Some have recently been observing numerous disturbing parallels between Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood administration and the 1979 revolution in Iran. And so has the average Egyptian, from the look of things...
Got the look/moves down |
TOPICS: Government; Military/Veterans; Politics; Religion
KEYWORDS: dnc4alqaeda; dnc4ikhwan; dnc4islam; dnc4slavery; egypt; islamist; morsi; obama4alqaeda; obama4ikhwan; obama4islam; obama4slavery; protests
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To: AdvisorB; ken5050; sten; paythefiddler
To: Reaganite Republican
Well, duh. Morsi's wife is a Muslim Sisterhood crony of the mother of Hillary's personal Assistant Huma (Abedin) Wiener.
Ya think there might be a connection?
posted on
12/05/2012 2:29:37 AM PST
Smokin' Joe
(How often God must weep at humans' folly. Stand fast. God knows what He is doing)
To: Smokin' Joe

The Worms ...The Spice ... Is there a connection?
(Well, *duh!*)
posted on
12/05/2012 2:42:32 AM PST
(Cover it with gas and set it on fire.)
To: Reaganite Republican
> 100,000+ protesters -furious at President Morsi’s brazen attempt to place himself above the nation’s law/courts- forced Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood ally to flee the presidential palace yesterday...
The freedom-seeking Cairo demonstrators broke-down the barricades surrounding the presidential compound and
marched right to the wall- no attempt was made to breach the building’s outer perimeter.
This type of thing needs to happen at the WH. Just have to watch out for those pesky microwave heat guns, millions (or is it billions?) of rounds of ammo bought up by all of the government agencies recently and those new DHS emergency (APC) vehicles...
To: Reaganite Republican
posted on
12/05/2012 2:51:38 AM PST
(Be careful of believing something just because you want it to be true.)
To: shibumi
Were they smoking that spice, or just putting it in the (Jamaican style) mushroom tea?
Not all the worms are in the desert...
BTW, I thought Dune was great, and the prequel books written by Brian Herbert (Frank's Son) were good, too.
posted on
12/05/2012 2:56:27 AM PST
Smokin' Joe
(How often God must weep at humans' folly. Stand fast. God knows what He is doing)
To: jsanders2001
Just have to watch out for those pesky microwave heat guns,We joke about tinfoil hats, but i wonder how effective aluminized mylar, or even tinfoil shields would be against those?
posted on
12/05/2012 2:58:10 AM PST
Smokin' Joe
(How often God must weep at humans' folly. Stand fast. God knows what He is doing)
To: Reaganite Republican
Why I read the title, and was just sure I would find some offensive video was causing another spontaneous mob uprising. These protesters better know that liberals oppose such activities when it is directed at them. Obama’s ‘peace’ business seems to have gone bankrupt.
To: Reaganite Republican
So I guess Morsi can’t get away with “I Won”
Unlike certain other dictator wannabes
posted on
12/05/2012 3:01:11 AM PST
(Age Takes a Toll: Please Have Exact Change)
To: Smokin' Joe
Herbert’s first three novels, Dune, Dune Messiah and Children of Dune constituted a masterwork. David Lynch’s fim was pure crap.
Several years ago the Sci-Fi Channel re-did the trilogy as two releases, combining Dune Messiah and Children of Dune into one mini series. They did a remarkable job of capturing the spirit of the books and staying true to the story.
posted on
12/05/2012 3:03:51 AM PST
(Cover it with gas and set it on fire.)
To: Reaganite Republican
Gee, I missed reading about all this in the Washington Post.
posted on
12/05/2012 3:07:31 AM PST
("As for God, His way is perfect" - Psalm 18:30)
To: shibumi
I agree about the books, but Dune was and remains my favorite of those three. Brian Herbert did a creditable job on the prequel books about the various Houses, and they were good reads in their own right. I believe he worked from his father's notes.
And yep, the film sucked.
I haven't seen the Sci-Fi channel versions, and I'll have to look for them.
Lately most of the movie length stuff on that channel (now SyFy) is a combination of bad acting, sloppy direction/editing, and occasionally a good plot idea which could have been delivered better.
posted on
12/05/2012 3:11:51 AM PST
Smokin' Joe
(How often God must weep at humans' folly. Stand fast. God knows what He is doing)
To: Smokin' Joe
Wha??? No! Who could have seen that comin!
But phayroh zeerho will skate...NO ONE will make him pay for these choices.
posted on
12/05/2012 3:14:12 AM PST
(No, Mr. Franklin, we could NOT keep it.)
To: Just mythoughts
Obamas peace business seems to have gone bankrupt. It was from the start. He destabilized relatively benign dictatorships (Khadaffi had settled down, epecially after Saddam swung) and stacked the deck in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, who tie in with Hamas, AlQaida, Hizb'Allah, and other lovely social groups.
The result is to have delivered the national arsenals of these countries into the hands of international terrorist organizations: doubtless, even with any attempt to keep these arsenals under the control of their respective governments, enough have likely leaked out to cause problems in the future (think manpads vs. airliners on short final).
Peace involves stability, and Obama has fostered the opposite in the region and perhaps the world.
posted on
12/05/2012 3:20:33 AM PST
Smokin' Joe
(How often God must weep at humans' folly. Stand fast. God knows what He is doing)
To: Smokin' Joe
Both of the Sci-Fi series are available on DVD.
If you're a normal robust American Male, the second one, Children of Dune is a real feast for the eyes.

posted on
12/05/2012 3:29:54 AM PST
(Cover it with gas and set it on fire.)
To: Hoodat
I’m sure you’ve seen every word they have written on the subject.....
posted on
12/05/2012 3:30:24 AM PST
(Double tap: the only acceptable gun control)
To: shibumi
posted on
12/05/2012 3:36:47 AM PST
Smokin' Joe
(How often God must weep at humans' folly. Stand fast. God knows what He is doing)
To: Smokin' Joe
We won. Elections have consequences.
To: Reaganite Republican
Smart, these Egyptians.
I could have told them that back when Mubarak was still in power.
In any dispute, whether between pro-American and anti-American groups, or between a mildly-anti-American and a virulently-anti-American group, The Won will always side with the more-anti-American group.
posted on
12/05/2012 4:05:23 AM PST
(The Lord uses the good ones; the bad ones use the Lord.)
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