Posted on 10/30/2012 4:52:51 PM PDT by Blogger
Fox and Beck may save this nation.
Also, I did not tag it breaking, but editorial. Someone apparently took it out of editorial.
No way!
We have had a total enigma in the WH since 2009 and no politician ever made an attempt to investigate Obama’s background. In the meantime dozens of American heroes have died in Iraq and Afghanistan because of Obama’s mismanagement of the war.
And now they’re predicting impeachment and imprisonment because of the Benghazi affair? Isn’t that wishful thinking?
Next thing they’ll say that all the laws passed regarding Obamacare and appointments made to the SCOTUS will all be null and void and that you can expect to see Bambi in an orange jumsuit.
If that is true, you’ll see a bunch of politicians in jumpsuits with him. (Ooh boy, I think I need more than one drink.)
It would be nice.....but aint gonna happen.
Operative word is “may” If he is reelected, that likelihood increases.
It's possible that gross incompetence would make Congress move towards impeachment and a president might resign to end the process, but I don't see that happening any time soon. Impeachment and conviction have a lot to do with just who controls Congress and by what margin, and the process often comes to be seen as vindictive by voters before a result is reached.
Do Congressional hearings ever change anything? Well, a lot did change in the 1950s for people like Charles Van Doren and Alan Freed. Congressional hearings are usually grandstanding by publicity-hungry senators and representatives, but a series of hearings like those we saw in the 1970s (Nixon impeachment, CIA, assassinations) can do a lot to change the country and its mood.
I told God the other night that if He’d answer my prayer and help Romney win I won’t bother Him anymore.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. They protect their own. PERIOD.
Uh, it’s an a opinion, it’s wishful thinking!
The Lord and not Beck will save the nation. And it will start with repentance, not pride.
Uh, it’s not a opinion, it’s wishful thinking!
Be careful what you wish for. I don’t think that’s the outcome you want.
He won’t be impeached and he won’t go to prison based on anything that we know of so far.
He should, but he won’t.
Talk of "prosecution" is idiotic - we elect Presidents to make decisions like this in military situations. If we don't like his decision, we un-elect him.
This is a moral and leadership issue. Not a legal issue. 0 has failed as a man and as a president.
The president has authority to send soldiers and Ambassadors to their deaths. Happened all the time in WWII, WWI and the Civil War. It sucks. But he does. The remedy is to vote him out for doing so for craven political reasons.
It is the Turkish Counsel General not the General Counsel. All this title means that he is the head of the Turkish diplomatic mission in Benghazi.
On the compound there was no CIA safe house where they were meeting. It was just the Principle Officer's residence/office of the US Mission in Benghazi. There is a room called the safe-haven where the Chief of Mission and others can go to in case of attack and lock themselves in until help comes. It usually has food and toilet facilities. Stevens and Smith went into it during the initial attack and the attackers were unable to enter so they used diesel fuel from the generators to light the entire place on fire.
There was an annex located about 1KM away that was operated by the CIA. Its mission is still unknown. There were about 30 people assigned to the US Mission Benghazi, 8 from the State Department.
will these crimes be enough to negate their pensions. w/16 trillion in debt, we don’t need to be paying bathhouse barry a pension
Yes. When we impeached Ken Starr. We ran that guy right out of town.
He won’t go to prison, he won’t be impeached. He’ll lose the election that’s why impeachment is out.
Presidents have tremendous leeway on how they conduct affairs of state and operate under a blanket immunity. The court cases will *never* get passed stage 1 — which means we’ll have to put up with nut job conspiratorial theories for the next 50 years.
It’s treason or nothing, and treason isn’t it either. Treason is a very specific crime and the only one defined by the Constitution.
Finally somebody that gets it and posts it.
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