ah I don’t mind, quite a laugh really to turn it around and see her try and get away knowing she made an arse of herself, LOL.
My misses is from MA and we went up there and stil had that sticker on the van.
We were in one of the pubs she used ot go to and met a woman who she knows.
All is well until we leave the pub with her and she sees the sticker.”why have you got that on tere, are you looking for trouble, you don’t have things like that around here
My wife was shocked and said what about the first amendment in MA.
We think she doesn;t een know what an amendment is going by her looks.
Very sad.
Yes, you turned it around on her for sure.
As for your wife’s friend, It is sad. But very telling about blue states. They care everything for political correctness and give not much thought to first amendment.
I live in a “blue” state, and there are plenty of bumper stickers where I live with pro-conservative messages. Every driver seems to have something different on the bumper around here.
Of course, things might be different in Massachusetts.