Did you listen to BO speach today? He could almost have been talking about himself when commenting on the kids not having control of “what happened to them”.......Is he setting up his followers to accept his poor me plight?
Good veep pick for Romney. Could give him a boost in those southwestern swing states - NM, NV, CO
I avoid listening to him whenever possible. Literally. I turn down the radio if a news clip comes on with him talking. I would have the same reaction as Joe Wilson, or worse.
I still feel bad when I think of that morning when Obama released his forged long-form. I was working in the back of the newspaper office and shouted “A$$HOLE!” My supervisor came back and asked if everything was OK, and I realized that he was afraid that people coming in the front of the store might have heard me.
I think I could probably count on one hand (maybe two. lol) the number of times I’ve let profanity escape my lips in real life. I’d like to keep it that way. So I don’t listen to Obama if I can possibly help it.