Posted on 04/24/2012 9:52:45 AM PDT by NOBO2012
Oh my!
Apparently Big Guy does not ascribe to the old Will Rogers axiom: when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.
Or perhaps he just doesnt realize that his current vantage point is from a crater not the foot of the mountain.
First off: Obamas Atrocities Prevention Board? Really? I thought it was going to called the I Hate Israel Board, since its principle function is going to be preventing Israel from defending itself attacking Iran. I guess the new guy hired to allocate names and acronyms didnt get the memo. And furthermore, if we were going to assign somebody to handle all of Big Guys atrocities, shouldnt we have thought about staffing this position a whole lot sooner?
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Oh, AND check out the comparison atrocity horse-Moochelle near the end!
This is a bureaucratic lawyer FRONT for Obama’s future Civil War on America. This is real scary.
THis is the type of ambush, political, bureaucratic and what not this guy has in mind.
What a sick puppy of the Soviet Union. A true to form Planned red diaper baby of Planned Parenthood. He does not know anything else.
These are the guys who are going to kick the TSA's ass...right?? As the country slips and slides inexorably into communism.
Great Minds...and all that jazz....!
“Atrocities Prevention Board”
Coming to you November 6th!
They can locate their offices I the Ministry of Love.
The list, Ping
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"Has Major Strasser been shot?"
"Not yet."
"Well ... he could be. And that would be an atrocity. Round up the usual suspects, just to be sure."
All joking and hyperbole aside, he really IS crazy, isn’t he?
Does this mean that they will go after the TSA?
Another Czar?
Reminds me of “Brazil”. And of course “1984”.
Atrocities Prevention Board. In reality they will be the ones causing them.
Ummm ... they are finally going to play it straight with us .. appoint an atrocities czar to commit atrocities on americans properly? Make sure TSA is doing it’s job throughly when they terrorize people at airports?
I don’t know.
I think the “Atrocities Preventions Board” could do some good work in the National Endowment for the Arts (since we don’t seem be able to get rid of it...) and the in the Modern “Art” sections of various museums. Certainly some of the things I seen there as “art” were atrocities.
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