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Mitt Romney Is Driving Others Away, Too
The Scratching Post ^ | February 3, 2012 | K T Cat

Posted on 02/03/2012 4:23:43 PM PST by greyfoxx39

Over at Hot Air, Wolf Howling penned a comment that perfectly sums up my feelings about the Florida primary.

I’ve spent the last few weeks watching Romney run the most intellectually dishonest campaign against Gingrich that I could imagine. Romney isn’t making the case that he has a better conservative pedigree, nor that his vision for America is superior or more conservative than Gingrich’s. He spent 17 million doing nothing but trying to delegitimize and demonize Gingrich with gross distortions of history. I haven’t seen anything like this since what the left did to Sarah Palin. And the last time anything like this occurred in the Republican Party, it was the cannibalization of Goldwater in 1964.

For the past two decades in which I have been politically informed and active, I have always believed that the single starkest difference between the left and the right was intellectual honesty. We on the right had it while those on the left dealt mostly in demagoguery and demonization. We on the right were ever willing to debate the facts, those on the left were ever willing to cherry pick the facts, distort the facts, and then use the race card or its many variants to end debate. To use the words of Bookworm Room: “Conservatives deal with facts and reach conclusions; liberals have conclusions and sell them as facts.” That illusion is now shattered.

At this point, I wouldn’t vote for Romney for dog catcher even if he was running in a three way race against Lenin and Marx. I will support Republican candidates for Congress and the Senate. But I could not, at this point, vote for any man as scurrilous and underhanded as Romney for President.

TOPICS: Politics
KEYWORDS: 911mosque4romney; backstabbers4romney; bigdig4romney; deathpanels4romney; dogabusers4romney; evil; excuses4romney; fascists4romney; flipfloppers4romney; florida; iag4romney; liar; mormoncard4romney; obamacare4romney; polyamory4romney; rinos4romney; romney; romneycare4romney; saboteurs4romney; shapeshifters4romney; sharia4romney; soros4romney; statists4romney; votefornewt; vultures4romney
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To: greyfoxx39
Good points/well said. . .

. . .and no doubt; like many here; shared similar observations per Florida Primary. Certainly a 'first' to see a Marxist/Alynsky MO; used against/paid for by a Republican candidate - against another Republican yet.

Mitt is not winning by his vision or ideas. (He appears to have neither, in fact.) He did win; by negative; lying smears/personal attacks 65;1 against Newt.

Truly marks the end of the Republican Party; as we knew it; IMHO. This had imprimatur of 'Establishment' behind it; of course. Pathetic fools. . .and America will pay for their ignorance.

61 posted on 02/03/2012 7:04:14 PM PST by cricket (America restored;. . .Newt CAN make it happen.)
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To: katiedidit1
SOmeone posted contact information for National GOP today. See if you can find it and I'll use it on a t shirt for a couple of days.

According to NPR via NYT
NEWT leads Mitt 39-32!!

Pass the word!

Click to Donate to Newt Gingrich

62 posted on 02/03/2012 7:11:58 PM PST by hoosiermama (Stand with God: Newt, and Sarah will be right next to you.)
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To: Mountain Mary; onyx; trisham; Jim Robinson; TheOldLady

You could either start keeping a ping list, Onyx has some tips on that.

OR probably the most important thing is start making a list of MSM contacts.

At one time FR had one...Lost it when computer crashed...but it WAS very out of date.

Had email addresses for each contact. Today we might want to add facebook and twitter addresses....Would be nice if it was in a format that would be easily read.

Getting material to send won’t be difficult. There are many on here who do an excellent job.

63 posted on 02/03/2012 7:15:07 PM PST by hoosiermama (Stand with God: Newt, and Sarah will be right next to you.)
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To: Marcella

Foam bricks they help with aggravation. :)

64 posted on 02/03/2012 7:39:10 PM PST by Clyde5445
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To: MestaMachine; hoosiermama

Love this hoosiermama! here is the post you asked about:)

65 posted on 02/03/2012 7:45:11 PM PST by katiedidit1 ("This is one race of people for whom psychoanalysis is of no use whatsoever." the Irish)
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To: Cinnamontea; greyfoxx39
GFox says: But I could not, at this point, vote for any man as scurrilous and underhanded as Romney for President.

Cinnamontea recites the familiar old line: Don't kid yourself. By not voting, you're doing just that. Sorry, I dislike Romney (and the GOP elite) every bit as much as you, but this grab-your-marbles-and-stomp-away stuff has got to stop. This country can't survive four more years of Obama. First defeat Obama, THEN deal with the GOP establishment (not to mention the idiot voters who keep electing them).

How many times will it take for you keep trying the same thing over and over and over with the same negative results, dear Cinnamon, before you figure out that a new approach MUST be used?

I admit it took me plenty of times. Decades, in fact, of voting just exactly as you prescribe above.

Two things I respectfully ask you to understand:

1. This is not a game, and our votes are not marbles we refuse to lend to the game because we're feeling huffy. In fact, FReeper FRiend, it's kind of insulting for you to insinuate that greyfoxx39 and I and lots of others here, would risk our nation's future out of mere pettiness. Pettiness and "stomping off in a huff" is only how you perceive it.

The reality is quite different. We can send money to candidates and opinionate to spread the word and educate people, but when it comes right down to it, each of us has only ONE real tool to sway the election: our vote. THAT'S IT. Vote to make liberalism win, liberalism sets the course for the party. If you seek to eliminate liberalism and a liberal course in the party, the ONLY tool you have to make that come to pass is to withhold your vote from the liberal candidate. There is no "huffiness" or "teaching a lesson" involved. It's a transaction: a vote in exchange for a service. It's not personal. It's business.

2. Mitt Rommney has proven that he believes proper use of government is to endorse and encourage the embrace and even self-declaration of open homosexuality among schoolchildren. Understand that this organization extends its "outreach" to middle schools, and that kids too young to even drive, within their schools, were encouraged by Romney to participate. Anyone who leads innocent children astray and encourage them to embrace acceptance of a sexual perversion proscribed in the Bible, is depraved. If you or ANY OF US vote for such a politician, regardless of our rationale, we will get the evil, craven wickedness that we vote for.

Don't kid yourself, Cinnamontea. Between Romney and Obama, the idea that one of them is the "lesser evil" is wishful thinking.

If you vote FOR Romney, no matter HOW you rationalize it, you will be voting FOR craven depravity. PERIOD. This is not a game of marbles. It is REAL LIFE with REAL CONSEQUENCES, and frankly, our chances of fighting a run-of-the-mill Marxist Democrat are much better; voting FOR evil and pretending that it will serve decency, will assure our destruction as a people much more decidedly than another four years of Obama could ever do.

66 posted on 02/03/2012 7:46:33 PM PST by Finny ("Raise hell. Vote smart." -- Ted Nugent)
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To: katiedidit1

That was part of the RINO FREE Project. If you look on my profile page, you will find several others.

67 posted on 02/03/2012 7:56:34 PM PST by MestaMachine (obama kills)
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To: LuvFreeRepublic
Here's another thing to tweet

According to NPR via NYT
NEWT leads Mitt 39-32!!

Pass the word!

Click to Donate to Newt Gingrich

68 posted on 02/03/2012 7:58:21 PM PST by hoosiermama (Stand with God: Newt, and Sarah will be right next to you.)
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To: MestaMachine

Oh Thanks! will check it out

69 posted on 02/03/2012 8:00:06 PM PST by katiedidit1 ("This is one race of people for whom psychoanalysis is of no use whatsoever." the Irish)
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To: Finny

That’s just ridiculous, but hang on to that through the next four years while our country is destroyed by the one person who is 100 times worse than Romney.

70 posted on 02/03/2012 8:02:42 PM PST by altura
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To: hoosiermama

Thanks, I am always getting great stuff from FR to tweet.

71 posted on 02/03/2012 8:03:05 PM PST by LuvFreeRepublic ( (#withNewt))
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To: MestaMachine

Your profile is amazing! how did you create such a gorgeous site? it is full of so many fantastic photos..I would love to own a collection of tee shirts with many of your pics. The tribute to our military is excellent too.

72 posted on 02/03/2012 8:05:02 PM PST by katiedidit1 ("This is one race of people for whom psychoanalysis is of no use whatsoever." the Irish)
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To: LuvFreeRepublic; Mountain Mary; trisham; All

You want to be on the team to get truth out and confront the MSM let Mountain Mary and Trisha your name.
If you know any other tweeters on FR let them know we’re taking action and need their help.

73 posted on 02/03/2012 8:08:00 PM PST by hoosiermama (Stand with God: Newt, and Sarah will be right next to you.)
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To: Mountain Mary

Senator Lugar is being challenged in Indiana ....Lots of Retire Lugar signs out...Challenger is getting some name recognition but needs more exposure IMO.

74 posted on 02/03/2012 8:15:21 PM PST by hoosiermama (Stand with God: Newt, and Sarah will be right next to you.)
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To: hoosiermama
4 AM
75 posted on 02/03/2012 8:25:09 PM PST by hoosiermama (Stand with God: Newt, and Sarah will be right next to you.)
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To: hoosiermama
Not sure what you are talking about, but I am all for getting the truth out & the MSM needs to be hounded. Perhaps you, Mountain Mary or Trisha can FReep Mail me and give me more info. I am very active on Twitter and I follow some very, very active people.

Going to bed now. Will catch up with you tomorrow.

Night and thanks.

76 posted on 02/03/2012 8:28:28 PM PST by LuvFreeRepublic ( (#withNewt))
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To: JoeGar


77 posted on 02/03/2012 8:29:49 PM PST by onyx (SUPPORT FREE REPUBLIC, DONATE MONTHLY. If you want on Sarah Palin's Ping List, let me know.)
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To: JoeGar; Marcella


78 posted on 02/03/2012 8:32:18 PM PST by onyx (SUPPORT FREE REPUBLIC, DONATE MONTHLY. If you want on Sarah Palin's Ping List, let me know.)
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To: Finny

Thank you for an excellent post - I copied it and saved it on my computer. You are exactly right.

79 posted on 02/03/2012 8:34:34 PM PST by Marcella (Newt will smash Hussein in debates. Newt needs money.)
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To: onyx
Busy kitty. See the meme for tomorrow?

According to NPR via NYT
NEWT leads Mitt 39-32!!

Pass the word!

Click to Donate to Newt Gingrich

80 posted on 02/03/2012 8:35:47 PM PST by hoosiermama (Stand with God: Newt, and Sarah will be right next to you.)
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