Here’s what Barry doesn’t understand...
We are the United STATES of America. That means the States do not answer to the Federal government but vice-a-versa.
For someone who has never had a job and someone who is supposed to know the Constitution, barry the zero has always had a very corporate view of his role.
From the beginning it was clear he thought he was the CFO of the USA, with the Senators as Executive VPs reporting to him and the House and Governors as Directors, also reporting to him, with we the people reporting to them.
Even in his SOTU, he acts as if the Congress owes him some kind of fealty.
When you understand this as his perspective, a lot his behavior makes sense. Especially his stomping away when he sees one of “his employees” DARE to talk back to him.
I would love to tell him to his face, “you report to ME, a$$wipe!”
I believe that for the first 150 years or so our nation referred to itself as "The United States IN America" and not OF America. It does kind of change how you look at the federal government when you think about it.