This may have been Plan B from the beginning.
In his book he talks about it being strange that there were no photos of the wedding, etc. I dont remember exactly what he said but the gist of it is that the marriage claim was fishy.
That is what I have been trying to tell Leo Donofrio for two years, and I am not the only one. Leo would not put up comments on his blog that undermined his NBC complaint...a totally justified one, considering the blatant violation of the Constitution Barry was claiming in front of everyone, but no one cared.
BTW, Hat tip to you, RummyChick, for first putting me on to the Kezia marriage in Kenya, IIRC!
Leo claims that since Obama made a legal "statement against interest" that he was "governed by the 1948 BNA," his mere statement was sufficient to go full bore against him. But, as I wrote to Leo in comments, Barry lies all the time twisting things cynically to his advantage. With a $billion in cash for his campaign and lawyers why would Barry admit to something (non-NBC status) that could bring down his presidency if true...if he didn't have a Plan B???...exactly as you suggest.
I told Leo that Barry had an out of simply revealing his father's bigamy. If Barry's Factcheck legal team was citing the 1948 BNA I would expect them to have read it, including the provision that illigitimate children do not become UK subjects.
“there were no photos of the wedding”
...or of the 0bamas’ceremony
...or of aproudfather 0bama, holding/playing with his baby girls.....