Why don’t you just subcontract-out Al-Qaeda to do the job you’re proposing. No need to wait for any ‘super-plague’ when you have one ready-made. Idiots!
Every Kos member should commit suicide to show they walk their talk.
It’s called AIDS.
The Left and Muzzies are worshipers of death.
Is “joe” just some crazy poster on DK ?
[So wait, this Kosmonaut welcomes a “global superplague,” a new Black Death, and he thinks it’s the Christians who have fanatically destructive wishes? ]
They are delusional as they figure they are too liberal and enlightened to get sick....
We can only hope it would be delivered to the DailyKos groupers first, I guess. Do they not realize that they would die too? These nutjobs would cut off their own nose to spite their face.
Just like with the Islam thing. They haven’t a clue that Islam hates them and their naked women, porno, drunks and druggies, and their gay blades and their pathetic way of life. They murder people like them on a routine every day basis in the Islamic states. And these fools want to tell us we need to be tolerant of these moderates.
So why don’t libs that think this way euthanize themselves?
Mr. Stafford, I've long been a follower of yours, and I'm almost totally ready to commit to your way of thinking.
All I need is some indication of your sincerity, to show your critics that you are right and they are wrong.
Please snuff yourself. On YouTube.
This shouldn’t surprise anyone. The leftists, and many other allies, in this country are members of a cult of death worship.
I actually remember my English prof suggesting that Christians were worshipers of death after saying that some local homeless woman who gave birth to a child came near to death should have been able to get a taxpayer-funded abortion. Who worships death, again?
There already is a “superplague”. it is called liberalism. Liberalism is destroying the human spirit. It is killing man’s self responsibility and motivation. Liberalism is murdering millions of unborn children and promoting the scum of the earth to harm decent human beings. Liberalism ties to disarm the moral so they are vulnerable to the armed immoral. It kills the family unit.
The Black Death actually stopped cultural development and innovation for two generations.
This guy doesn't understand much about history.
Just watched the movie Quarentine 2 and that is the story. A pyscho who wants to release a zombie plague to take out millions. Wow can’t believe the libs could wish something like that. (SARC)!
Who wants to bet Homeland Security doesn’t bother to check out this nut? Or the Kos hate site - nope these folks are liberal... and our ‘protectors’ are looking for political prisoners... errr, political crimes... err, conservatives... ummm, lone wolfs... Yep, that’s it.
The Left has been working this theme of mass murder since Algore cooked up the man made global warming scam. If you note their history, they actually carry it out when given the power, too.
I guess AIDS wasn’t good enough for those maggots. (Notice that last word does not begin with an “f”.)