Yeah trump would say that and the Saudis would tell little Donald to take a hike and that would be the end of it. He won’t be able to fire the Chinese and the Saudis or order them about. Especially when the US is a major cause for increased oil prices due to problems with the dollar and restrictions on drilling.
What trump should be saying is that obama is the cause of high oil prices and describe how his energy plan would be different. However I am not sure he has a plan or a clue.
Unfortunately, most loud-mouthed populist types like Trump don't have a plan. He knows what has people pissed off right now and his bellowing (insincere as it is) scratches an itch for a lot of us. He gets what he craves over anything else in this world -- attention.
Like Howard Dean did on the dems' side, he'll dry up and blow away in time.
No, not quite.
The top 10 countries we get oil from, are:
1. Canada
2. Mexico
3. Saudi Arabia
4. Venezuela
5. Nigeria
6. Angola
7. Iraq
8. Algeria
9. United Kingdom
10. Brazil
And how much military support does the USA give them? Without the USA proping up the King; everything will collapse. This puts us in a position to negotiate; one that we have not used.
BRAVO ‘plain talk’. Everything that I hear Trump say makes me come to one of two conclusions. 1. He’s an attention-addicted blowhard or 2. He’s a simpleton. In either case, in does nothing for the conservative cause.