Since Jul 4, 2009

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About me, my beliefs,

I am a libertarian, enough said.. No person or entity should be able to tell me or anyone else what to do, think, or feel. That covers EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY: government, religion, big business...and the whimpering and the bellyaching guy next door who wishes the realities of our world would just go away. I believe that the foundation of a free society lies with the free and candid exchange of ideas. Tolerance isn't easy; but it's necessary. We can learn much from listening to our adversaries. Not everything they say is wrong and not everything we say is right (excuse the pun). I'm more interested in winning than I am in 'making a point'...hence the screen name. I believe in the power of reason. I believe that many who publicly represent our cause are in it for their own self aggrandizement. I believe that the most magnificent words composed in the English language: 'We the People....' I've been watching and reading FR for four years. It is time to voice my views.