Even if Obama were born in Hawaii he is not a “natural born citizen”. His father was a British subject and his mother was too young to convey her US citizenship to BHO.
Natural born citizenship requires BOTH parents to be US citizens. Neither of BHO’s parents could convey ORDINARY citizenship to him, let alone the status of “natural born citizen”.
There are no documents showing anyone present at BHO’s birth, other than he & his mother. Neither is the location of his birth documented. (”Hawaii”,”Planet Earth” are a little too vague)
Newspaper birth announcements may be placed by anyone.
In the past Hawaii has, in case of Chiang Kai-Shek, issued a “Certificate of Live Birth” to someone known and proven to have been born elsewhere.
Obama was probably at one time an Indonesian citizen.
Obama probably was enrolled at one or more colleges as a “foreign student”. Thus, he is either guilty of fraud or he is ineligible to be President.
The man who proclaims “transparency” has kept nearly all records of his existence hidden or had them deleted. Something is seriously wrong here.
Much more likely that it would be evidence of FRAUD, if it exists at all.
Have they fallen into a black hole?
Information in; never to come out again?