What say you?
I swear I am just going to liquidify, quit working and get on the dole.
I would rather have what Forbes suggested that have Obama Care. I can tell you that...
Still digesting the idea. Not sure I even want to see the Fed government get that involved. The old camel nose into the tent metaphor. That said, the government already IS involved too much, and we probably aren’t going change that.
I wish Forbes would run for President. His economic leadership would be very attractive to the folks that overwhelmingly voted GOP last November.
Stevie Forbes just ANOTHER RINO New York Trust Fund “know-it-all” POS.
When Steve Forbes can introduce legislation get back to me.
I’m confused. Is this supposed to be a replacement for MediCaid?
Sounds good.
I don’t like the food stamp system either. Easily scammed. Wasteful.
So we’ve gone from “Compassionate Conservatism” to “Simple Socialism”?
Having said that, it’s probably as good as it’s going to get. The food stamp system does work pretty well at doing what it does: committing violence against the Constitution by picking pockets to give to those less fortunate.
Steve should address the question: Where in the Constitution does it authorize the Federal government to do what he is proposing? (Or is he proposing this be a state initiative, which I’d have much less trouble with?)
The pragmatist in me sighs, it's the best we can expect.
A disaster to replace an existing disaster seams like a plan
Maybe you should change your name to lazy welfare capitalist?
1.competition across state lines/good idea
2.tort reform/never happen even if you had a gun to
every hacks head
3.requiring that when people moved up the economic ladder that they pay back what they used under this system/sounds like the college loan pay back program that didn’t work out
It doesn’t sound too laissez-faire to me.
“the theory or system of government that upholds the autonomous character of the economic order, believing that government should intervene as little as possible in the direction of economic affairs.”
What, you get x number of health care bucks per month and can buy whatever drugs you want with them?
The same suggestion has been made as a alternative if "mandates" are found unconstitutional - purchase of health care via the exchanges (which are a market mechanism, and would likely be attractive to many economic conservatives if they had not been part of a Democratic proposal) would instead be made voluntary.
The problem is that to make any such system work, you need to deny care to those who voluntarily chose not to insure, otherwise the rest of us just and up paying (one way or another)for their care he they turn up at ER or public or charity clinics.
Since we are not going deny such care (at least to a much greater extent than we already "ration" care by income and insurance status), all such schemes encourage freeloading.
For this perspective if does not make much difference if you offer people "heath care stamps" eligible for the purchase of individual health insurance or offer people the opportunity to purchase subsidized insurance via exchanges (except that their pooled purchasing power will likely be greater via an exchange), as long as such purchase is voluntary before need, and care is available to non-purchasers, there will be a strong incentive to avail yourself of free care "at need" rather than "pre-pay" via the purchase of insurance.
This side of the equation does not get much attention: lots of people are thinking "OMG, I will be forced to buy insurance", while ignoring the fact that those of us paying taxes are already "insuring' those who will not insure themselves.
Health insurance for the poor is already here and won't go away. It would be smart to move it towards the Food Stamp model which provides food for tens of millions of people without burdensome record-keeping for the retailers and no bureaucracies to set up and monitor special reimbursement procedures.
It allows the food industry to operate normally while still feeding the poor.
Liberals would hate it, though. They understand full well that the poor are, by and large, irresponsible and won't watch their health without being tailed by government agencies and given free taxi rides to the doctor.
Like Food Stamps? Basically a debit card of $500 that you could use every month? No shame, no stamps, nothing? Just a magic card that would allow you to get FAR more doctor visits and meds than a middle class family can afford??
What about Housing Stamps? So you don’t have to pay your mortgage or rent? What about Auto Stamps? Another credit card that would pay your car payment every month?
Man, I wish I was poor, cause I can’t afford life the old fashioned way..
Repeal Zero-Care. And Hillary-Care, and Mitt-Care, and Medi-Care... Anything less is just re-arranging deck chairs.
Heck... Let’s do away with the Carebears while we are at it.
Call it all what it really is: WELFARE. Define it, limit it, and excise it wherever possible.